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As we were going downstairs to the kitchen, we found Jin and the others laughing like crazy. 

" Taetae. Why don't you stay with them for a while?"

" What? But Jin will kill me," he whined. 

" He won't. Plus he has something to say to you," I patted his head and left.

I grabbed snacks quickly and pecked through the living room to see if Jin is talking to Taehyung... and they weren't.

Jin spotted me and mouthed " What?" I pointed at Taehyung. He sighed and sat next to Taetae. 

They both looked so awkward. I wanted to help Jin out, but he's responsible for this. 

Jin faked a cough and everyone stared at him.

" OK why are you all looking at me," he yelled. 

Everyone kept watching funny videos in Metube. I took out my phone and texted Jin.

I came out and pulled Jin's arm upstairs. 

" Jin, it's not that hard!!!"

" Well, to me it is. I ignored this guy for my entire life. I was mean and I didn't pay attention to him. I already know, he does not like me either," Jin said in an aggravated tone.

" He doesn't hate you, Jin. You're like a brother to him even if you ignored him."

Jin sat on the floor with his head on his knees.

" Do you hate him?"

" I don't. It's just...".

" What?"

" He hurt you and you ended up in the hospital," Jin said quietly. " And our parents are gone."

" It wasn't his fault. Mom and Dad will never blame it on us."

" But look. They're gone! You know how much I miss them. Every time I see his face, I think of your and our parents' accident."

" Don't look at him from before. Look at him now. Has he ever done anything to upset you besides the day you yelled at him?"

" No."

" Jin. You're my brother and I know you're strong. Apologizing is nothing," I smiled.

" I'll talk to him."

" Wait before you do. I have a question."

" What?"

" Do you like someone? And who is she?"

" Yeah. Wait. Y/n, you are so random sometimes," he headed downstairs.

" Wait you didn't fully answer me," he's denying it. He does like someone!

Taehyung POV:

Jin came downstairs without Y/n. Where did she go? 

" Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

" Um. Sure," I got scared. Is he going to tell me to leave? Did he find out Y/n and I kissed? Nooooo!!! I wanted to watch a movie with Y/n.  I was planning on cuddling with her too. But I doubt she's going to let me anyway. 

We headed to the kitchen and Jin sat on a chair.

" If this has to do anything with me kissing Y/n, please don't send me home," I pleaded.

" You did what to my sister?!"

" Nothing," I stayed quiet.

" I heard it the first time," Jin shook his head.

I slightly chuckled nervously.

" I wanted to talk to you about something, but I guess that can wait. Let's talk about that kiss you had with my sister," he looked serious.

" Ummm....you should continue what you were going to say before the kiss conversation," I hid my face. 

Jin started laughing non-stop. 

" Look Taehyung. I'm sorry for everything."

Did he just apologize?! To me?!

I looked behind me to see if there's another Taehyung he's talking to.

" Kim Taehyung! Are you listening?"

" Yeah..."

" I'm really sorry."

I had no words.

" I should have never been so mean to you because of one mistake you did," he patted my back.

" I'm sorry too."

" For what?"

" I should have never hurt your sister in the first place," I bowed my head.

" Well it's in the past now. So let's talk about this kiss," he smirked.

" Lets not," Y/n came in unexpectedly, hugging Jin.

" I can't! You shared your lips with him," Jin pointed at me.

" His lips were soft..ya know," she pouted.

" I didn't need to know that. I'm going to hang out with my friends," he gagged and left immediately.

Y/n just started laughing. She laughs just like Jin. That's how you know they're related. 


I went through my closet to look for some CDS...yeah I'm old school. 

Taetae just sat there, waiting for me patiently. I pulled a whole box out and threw it to Taetae. He looked through them and yelled. 

" You have 'The Journal'. That's something," he teased. 

" Hey! These were my parents' movies," I punched his stomach.

He groaned in pain.  

" Pick any before it gets late."

" Alright," his phone buzzed. " I'll be right back."

I went through the box and found the perfect movie.

" I'm back..." he stood there frozen once he saw the movie. " Oh no."

" Oh yes," I chuckled while holding up the movie 'That'. 

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