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Taehyung POV: 

Once Y/N left my sight and turned to do work....until Jimin started to sigh deeply again and again. 

" What?!!!"

" What happened to you? You're not like yourself lately," Jimin sighed.

" What do you mean," avoiding eye contact.

" Like that! You're not looking at me when I'm talking to you. You're being cold ever since Y/N came. You didn't explain your history with her. She seems nice," Jimin kept watching her laugh with the girls. And not going to lie,  every time she laughs, I feel like I want to laugh by her side. 

" I mean.... I don't need to have this conversation with you anyway. Do you work. I don't want you to suffer this whole week with homework," I tapped the papers with the end of my pencil. 

" Awww you care about me," Jimin swung his arms at me.

" Ahhh Jimin. I'll leave you and find a different partner," I pushed his arms away. 

" Oh ok," he went back to work.

I stared at Y/N for a sec, and eventually our eyes met. I hid my face with the folder and turned my head in embarrassment. I got caught. I thought she would never turn her head. But I guess she wanted to see Jimin.

" Are you okay," Jimin looked at me with concern.

" Yes..."

" Were you spying at a girl and you got caught!"

" No....." 

" You were," Jimin yelled.

All eyes were on us.

I hid myself again and hit Jimin's head.

" Shut up!"

I slowly put down the folder and looked around if anyone was staring at us. No one did. I sighed in relief and hit Jimin again. He pushed his seat a little farther from me. Good choice. 


Lunch time!!! Let's go! I don't know why but lunch is my favorite class of the day. I got my lunch and sat with Jimin.

" Where's Taehyung?"

" He's not eating," Jimin drank his water.

" Oh."

" Why?"

" I just wanted to talk to him ya know," my sandwich was halfway through my mouth until Jimin asked me something that made me choke.

" Are you okay," Jimin patted my back harshly.

" I'm ok," I said putting down my sandwich. 

" Answer my question. Did you and Taehyung know each other before?"

" Yes," I said feeling sad.

" What happened between to you guys?"

" I don't know to be honest. All I remember is being best friends with him and he moved away. I see him again and he's different," I sighed, looking down at my food. "I think I lost my appetite."

" I'm sorry for even asking. Please eat," Jimin pleaded.

" It's ok. And I wasn't that hungry anyways."

" Ummm.... you know we have dance class right after this. You have to eat something at least."

" Ok," I grabbed an apple and showed it to Jimin as I took a bite out of it. 

He chuckled and hugged me. My first hug....from Jimin!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! 

" Let's go," he grabbed my arm and headed to the dance room.

" Wait isn't it too early tho?"

" Nah. I like to go early to dance."

I sat on the floor and watched him perform. 

The way he danced was so splendid

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The way he danced was so splendid. I couldn't compare with him. I wanted to go up to him and hug him. Is that weird? When he was done, he smiled and sat next to me.

" How did I do?"

" You were GREAT! How can you dance like that?"

" I mean I guess I'm good," Jimin scratched the back of his head.

" You guess?! You're awesome. I can't relate ya know," I elbowed Jimin.

He laughed and hugged me. He pulled away from the hug and stared right into my eyes. I stared at his lips and...

" Why are you guys here early?"

" We were just practicing," Jimin got up and patted Taehyung's back. 

" Anyways everyone coming for class," Taehyung leaned on the wall.

" Ok," Jimin sitting next to me. 


" Good afternoon class. We are going to practice our dancing skills. Take as much time as you want," Mr. Shang said.

I saw Jin talking to his group: Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. I was there, standing with no one. 

" Y/N! You can team up with us," Rose pointed at Jennie and Jisoo.

" Really?"

" Yeah. To be honest, we are only three people and since you don't have a group or partner, you can be in ours," Rose said. 

"Sure," I smiled.

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