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I quietly got up and left the room with Kookie. It was silent the whole way to Mr. Shang's office. Kookie looked nervous. I wanted to cheer him up in a way. But I was clueless because I didn't know why Mr. Shang called for me. 

Kookie opened the door and let me enter first. Mr. Shang was not in his office at all. His papers were everywhere, there were stacks of folders and paper clips on the floor. And I thought teachers were suppose to be organized. 

Kookie and I sat on the empty and lonely couch. It was pretty awkward when it shouldn't be. I ruffled his hair harshly so I can get his attention. He looked at me with his cute bunny smile and put his head down. He thinks he could get away with his cute face. 

" Why are you like this?'

" Like what," he asked.

" I don't know... You're more quiet than usual. Is it because of this morning still," I sighed.

" I mean I'm always quiet. You'll get use to it," he smiled.

" No! You are not going to be quiet anymore and not around me either. Now talk to me," I patted his back.

" Alright. Um...do you want to know why we are here?"

" Yes! I'm missing so much work in class right now," I panicked.

" Ahahaha. To me, you seemed pretty distracted back there."

" Oh really," I pulled his ear.

He rubbed his ear and started to stick out his tongue. He's definitely expressing himself now. I feel so proud. I started wiping my fake tears away.

" So why are we here?"

" So there is this dance competition next month and he wanted me to pick a partner but I couldn't choose between the members. So I went to him and asked for his help. But I didn't know he was going to choose a girl," he slightly chuckled. 

" Oh! So he chose me to dance with you. But I suck!"

" You don't! Stop lying to yourself. You're a great dancer," he showed me his bunny face again.

We sat there talking and laughing, waiting for Mr. Shang's arrival.

Taehyung POV:

" What is taking her so long," I grunted.

" Calm down Taehyung. She's probably talking to Mr. Shang right now," Jimin said.

" Yeah. With Jungkook."

" Are you okay? You weren't yourself this morning."

" I'm fine. I'm going to use the restroom," I stood up and left the class.

I lied. I wasn't going to use to the restroom. I'm going to Mr. Shang's office. But Jimin should know me by now. I'm too predictable sometimes.

I looked both ways to see if any fan girls were there...luckily there weren't. I ran to his office and peeked through the little mirror the door had... and there she was. She was giggling so cutely with the bunny. They were playing with each other's hands and laughing. I left with anger. Next time I should remind him that it's bunny season. 

I stormed into the class and all eyes were on me. I sat down next to Jimin and put my head down.  I didn't feel like myself at this point. Jimin and Rose kept talking to me since Mr. Li left the room.  I completely ignored them and thought about Y/n. Why did she look so happy with Jungkook? I mean they are friends. It's normal having guy friends. She's friends with all the members. But why do I feel so angry? Now I know. Jungkook was on top of her this morning and Y/n didn't do anything about it. 

" Taehyung! Lets go," Jimin yelled.

I got up and followed Jimin and Rose to the cafeteria. We sat in our usual table. I waited for Y/n to come, but she never came. I took Jimin's water bottle and drank the water aggressively. I looked over at Jimin and Rose, whose expressions were puzzled. I gave back the water bottle to Jimin and put my head down.

Then I heard footsteps coming this way. I lifted my head up quickly, but to find Jin with his arms folded. He was looking around the cafeteria and gave us a serious look. I guess he's trying to find Y/n.

" If you're looking for Y/n, she's with Jungkook in Mr. Shang's office," I pointed to the hallway.

" Actually I wanted to talk to you guys," Jin smiled.

" Oh really," Jimin was surprised. 

" Yeah! You guys can eat at our table like the group we are suppose to be...BTS," Jin patted Jimin's shoulder.

" I would gladly accept but your smile creeps me out Jin," Jimin laughed.

" YAH! I'm being nice for once. Anyway, I want to the whole group together."

" Sure," I said as I got up. " Are you getting Jungkook?"

" Yeah. Just sit at the table. I'll see you guys there," Jin rushed out of the cafeteria. 

Rose left to sit with her friends because she didn't want to interrupt us anymore. Jimin looked so sad when she left. His eyes were only on her and I saved him from slipping on a banana. 

" Hey. Do you like anyone?"

" Umm...why do you ask," Jimin questioned me.

" Answer me first," I death glared him.

" Yes."

" Who?"

"No one..."

" No secrets."

" Fine. I like Rose."

" I knew it!"

Jimin looked at me suspiciously.

" Actually I thought you liked Y/n," I said.

" Not really. I like her as a friend."

I stopped him from going to closer to the table.

" Then why do you act like you like her?"

" I like to tease her. She's easy to tease," he smiled. " And I know you like her."


" Just ask her out already," Jimin sighed.

" About that. I already did," I chuckled.

" You whaaaaaa!!!!"

" Yeah."

" And you didn't tell me!" Jimin's eyes grew bigger by the minute.

" I was..."

" You weren't going to tell anyone. Were you?"

" You know me so well," I started heading to the table.

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