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" YAY!!! We are going to the beach," I sang happily as we were on our way to the beach house. 

Jin was driving his car with Namjoon by his side, while I was sitting in the back next to Rose and Jisoo. Of course I invited them. I heard that the house is huge, so why not. Rose and Jisoo were so excited about going. Sadly Jennie couldn't come. She said she wanted to her time with her family and I get that. Rose and Jisoo, on the other hand, literally begged me to take them there even though I was going to invite them anyways.

Taetae ended up going with the others in Jimin's car. I miss him already. It's giving me a headache. I looked outside and wondered if Taetae misses me too.

Taehyung POV:


I was so frustrated. I know I saw her an hour ago, but I need her in my arms right now. My arms feel so lonely without her. I wanted to be by her side.  Before we decided to go to the beach house, we haven't been going on dates or spending anytime together. This time, I'm going to spend as much time with her as possible. 

 " I miss her too..." I looked back at sad Jungkook.

He was in the middle between Yoongi teasing him and Hoseok dancing weirdly. His face already looked bothered since we started driving. I couldn't blame him. I'm lucky enough to sit in the passenger seat. 

" Don't we all," Jimin asked as he was focusing on the road.

I had a weird feeling as he said that. My stomach twisted with anger, but I just left it like that. Y/n is mine. And I'm hers. I love her as much as she loves me.


We finally made it to the beach house.

" Home sweet home," Jungkook kissed the welcome mat.

I lifted my left brow up and gave him the Are-You-Serious face. He saw it and chuckled. 

" Taehyung... your house is my number 1 home," he patted my back and jingled his keys into the keyhole. 

The house was AMAZING. It looked like it was never touched. Everything was in its place. The living room and the gaming area is forever my favorite places in this beach house. During the house tour, I was wondering when Y/n was going to arrive.

I sat on the front porch looking beyond the ocean, waiting for my love. It's been two hours. I hope nothing bad happened to her. 

That's when I heard a car honked. 

As Y/n got out of the car, I ran to her and pecked her cheeks continuously. I gripped my hands on her waist and pulled her into a tight hug. Her head was buried into my chest as I could feel her breathing into my shirt. I lifted her gently in bridal style  and stared deeply into her eyes as I carried her to the house.

Everyone was shocked to see me carrying my lovely soon-to-be-wife-someday to the living room.

" Taetae... this is embarrassing ya know," her pink flushed face was now covered by a pillow. 

" Not to me."

" That's because you weren't the one being carried," she pouted.

I leaned into her ear and asked her..

" But did you like it?"

Her eyes widened and a smile was plastered on her face. 

" I liked it very much."

" Ummmm... we are still here," Yoongi said.

"Yah! Stay away from my sister Taehyung. You have touched her enough," Jin pulled Y/n away from me. 

Y/n giggled and went to her room where she was going to stay with Rose and Jisoo. I shared a room with Jimin and Jungkook while Jin and the others shared the other one.

Y/n POV:

" Awww!!! You and Taehyung are so cute," Jisoo was losing her uwus. 

" Yeah. Ever since you told us about how you kissed him first and he kissed back was so romantic," Rose stopped herself from squealing.

" He also told you he loves you," Jisoo screamed at the pillow. 

" It was so unexpected. I kissed him first. It was like this feeling was trapped inside of my heart for so long until I met Taetae," I hid my face.

" That's when you knew you love him," Rose and Jisoo giggled.

I can't believe I'm talking about my relationship to these girls. They make me more embarrassed than Taetae has ever done. I slapped myself softly everytime they brought up cheesy, yet romantic scenes of relationships. They shall suffer with me. 

" Let's slightly change the topic," I gave them my evil smile.

Rose and Jisoo looked at each other with horror and moved a little farther away from me. I found it funny.

" Anyways when are you guys planning to confess," I pointed at them back and forth.

Jisoo chuckled softly and Rose just stayed quiet. Did I say something wrong? The room was full of silence. Not even one word came out of our mouths until we heard the boys yelling and laughing. They sound like they are having fun right now. So, I tried to brighten up the mood.

" Nevermind. We can watch a scary movie," I clapped.

" You seriously enjoy terror," Rose said.

" I mean this is Y/n we're spending our time with," Jisoo made a good point.

We all laughed hysterically and ended up watching two thriller movies. They weren't that bad, but I think it will give those two girls nightmares for a while. Suddenly my stomach began to grumble and it weirdly started communicating with the others'. We looked at each other and decided to get the snacks from the kitchen that we brought. 

As we were stuffing our sweater pockets with bags of chips and cookies, Jin opened the kitchen door harshly and gave us the nose flare. I haven't seen those besides in movies. 

" I knew I smelled rats," Jin looked at me and Rose until his eyes met Jisoo. " I mean pretty rats."

Smooth Jin. Really smooth. I clapped slowly in my head. 

" Rats," Rose asked.

" He says that to remind me we are eating unhealthy food," I explained. 

" I-I di-didn't mean to s-say it in a vile way," he scratched the back of his neck as he smiled at Jisoo.

He is totally making it obvious. If I can see it, then Jisoo can see it too, unless she denies it. Jin took an apron and put it around his neck. He took out some groceries that we bought earlier to cook dinner. Jisoo watched him carefully while me and Rose were having a side conversation about those two. 

" Do you need any help," Jisoo got closer to Jin.

" Um... s-sure. You can wash the ve-vegetables," he pointed at the greens.  

Jin and Jisoo were talking and laughing as they were cooking. They are so cute together. I can't help but watch them. It's like they're in one of my Kdrama shows. 

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