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We practiced for about 30 minutes since class ends in another hour. I was not as merely confident as Rose or the rest of the girls. But this is my first year, so I have to make the most it. 

" Girls, you're up first," Mr. Shang said. 

" Yeah go Y/N," yelled Jin and Jimin. 

* Pretend your Lisa and enjoy the video and music

Taehyung POV:

" Wow who's that," guy 1 said. 

" Thats Y/N. She's in my class," Jimin replied.

" She's hot and the way her body moves. Your lucky man," guy 1 punched Jimin's arm. " I'm jealous."

" Really," Jimin asked as he watched Y/N dance.

" You know I'm here right?" Jin hit guy 1. 

" I know that," he chuckled.

" Oh come on Baekhyun, you know better to not hit on my sister," Jin ruffled his hair. 

" Wait...she's YOUR SISTER," Baekhyun yelled. 

" Yeah yeah. Keep it down like damn," I uttered.

" You're Taehyung right?"

" Yeah. Now can you stop talking about his sister? It's annoying," I glared at him.

" Why is it annoying talking about her?"

When he asked that question, I blanked out. How could I call the girl I like annoying? She's not annoying, she's perfect. No, wait. She's beyond perfect.  The way she dances and how her body responds to the music, I just want to get up, run to her and hug her as tight as I can in front of everyone, so they know she's mine....but sadly she's not. I think she doesn't even want to speak to me after all the things I've done including what happened back then. 

" Earth to Taehyung," Jimin waved his hand in face.

" What?"

" Why were you staring at Y/N," Jimin asked with a smile.

" I was not staring at her....I was staring at that direction, but Y/N was in my way," I pointed at beyond Y/N.

" Sure...ok," he eyed me weirdly. 

I continued watching her and when I saw her smiling, I started to smile as well. Ahhhhh I can't help it. I need her in my arms right now.  

As they were done, I got up while everyone was cheering. Y/N was so shy, she bowed her head multiple times and she stared at me with confusion....so did everyone else.

" Wow, we have a volunteer to go up next," Mr. Shang said.

" Wait what?" I asked while processing everything. 

" Oh yeah with them though," I pointed at them.

" Ok let's hear for BTS," Mr. Shang clapped.


Before Jimin went up, he whispered in my ear something and chuckled.

" What did he say?" Jennie was curious.

" Yeah what did he say," Rose looked upset.

" He said I did a great job," I gave them a mid-smile.

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