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Jungkook POV:

Jin dropped us off and we found Auntie sleeping on the couch with the TV on. I tapped her shoulder and she smacked my hand. It's not even 10 yet and she's asleep. 

" Give her a break. She has to take care of us kids," Taehyung went upstairs.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. As I was drinking, I was thinking about Y/n. She is completely different than what Jin told me. She's the prettiest girl I ever seen. She's cool and she is the one who laughs at the videos I show her. She's also tough. She's the only girl I want to talk to. 

I went to my room and found Taehyung happily texting and he couldn't get his eyes off his phone for a sec. I went to my gaming station and started to play Over watch.


I stretched my arms and turned to see if  Taehyung was sleeping, but he wasn't. He was on the phone, typing with his manly fingers. I couldn't stand it. Did he get a girlfriend? Is he texting Jin? Nah, why would he text him happily like that unless it's a girl. I grabbed a pillow and smacked his face.

" What was that for?!"

" Go to sleep," I laid on my bed.

" I was waiting for you," he scoffed.

" It didn't look like it," I laughed. " Who were you texting?"

" No one," he placed his phone aside. " It's really late. We should sleep now."

Then a question popped up.

" Wait! What were you and Y/n doing upstairs?"

Taehyung turned his back on me and sighed.

" We were watching a movie and eating snacks."

" Oh," I would have loved to watch a movie with her too. " Well good night."


" Y/n! Hurry up!!! I'm dropping you off," Jin yelled from downstairs.

I quickly ran downstairs and kissed his cheeks.

" Jimin is outside waiting for me," I said as I stuffed my face with a sandwich. " Bye! I'll see you there."

" Yah!!! Be careful," Jin hugged me. 

" I'll be fine Jin," I punched his arm. " You'll see me anyways."

I ran to Jimin's car and found no one in there. I was baffled. Then hands crept to my hips and picked me up against the car. 

" Taetae," I was shocked.

" Morning babe," he peeked my cheeks quickly. 

" You scared me ya know," I ruffled his hair.

" Sorry," he pouted.

" It's ok. Where is Jimin," I got off the car. 

" We got bored and I dared him and Jungkook to sneak in your backyard and stay there for 5 minutes," he chuckled.

" Imagine they give Jin a heart attack," I shook my head.

As we were talking, we heard a loud bang coming inside my house.

" Yahhh!!! Next time do a dare somewhere," Jin kicked Jimin and Kookie out.

" Jin is really scary," Jimin nervously smiled.

Taetae and I looked at each other and laughed so hard that the birds in the trees flew away.

" That's not funny Y/n. Ya know you look very pretty today like always," he smirked.

I blushed. I don't know why. I rarely get compliments like these. 

Jimin cupped my face and squished it so hard. Taehyung pulled Jimin aside and went inside the car. 

" Don't we have to go somewhere," Taetae honked the car.

" Aish! Taehyung get you hands off the wheel and sit in the passenger's seat," Jimin yelled.

I sat in the back with Kookie. He looked more nervous than usual. I pulled his hair and he gulped and slowly turned his head toward me. Then out of nowhere, the car bounced and Kookie was on top of me, hiding his face with his hair.

" Sorry. It was a speed bump," Jimin parked the car.

Jimin looked more shocked while Taetae looked more pissed. He got out of the car and pulled me out. He dragged me all the way to the cafeteria.

" Taetae," I flinched once he slammed the table.

" Y/n. Why weren't you wearing a seatbelt," he asked in a cold tone.

" I forget," I started playing with my feet because my shoe was untied.

" Next time, put it on," he bent down, tying my shoe.

" Alright."

Taetae got up and headed to class without me. Is he that mad about me not wearing a seatbelt? I caught up to him and faked cough. He patted my back and went inside the class. Class wasn't going to start in like 20 minutes. I went back to the cafeteria and I found the cutest couple with a tiny third wheel next to them.

" Rose!!!"

Rose and I ran to each other and hugged. She released me and she smiled more than usual. Her face looked brighter than usual. She looked different. She looks like she's expressing herself more toward Jimin. I squealed and hugged her tightly. As we were walking toward the table, I leaned into her eye.

" I see you trying to impress Jimin," I whispered.

She blushed and played with her fingers.

" Do I like pretty?"

" Of course! Jimin looks like he's only staring at you," which was true. His eyes were only focused on her until Kookie stared punching his back. Jimin pushed kookie to the side and went up to us. He smiled and grabbed Rose's hand. 

" Can I talk to you for a minute," he asked.

Rose looked at him and I nodded. They left holding hands. Yah!!!! They are so cute! I sat next to Kookie and he turned away. 

" Did I do something wrong again," I asked.

" No you didn't. I'm sorry. It's just that it's kinda weird that I was on top of you earlier," Kookie slightly smiled.

" I'm not talking about that. Before the incident, you didn't even say hi."

" I wanted to tell you that you look pretty, but I was too shy," he hid his face.

" Thank you," I hugged him. 

" Well, I have to go to class now. Taehyung is probably waiting for me," I waved goodbye. 


I entered the classroom and found Jimin and Rose laughing together while Taehyung's head was down. I went up to him and peeked his cheek. But he didn't move. I ruffled his hair again and again, but he still ignored. Mr. Li came in the classroom and everyone sat down. 

Mr. Li was presenting a new lesson but my mind seemed to be somewhere and my eyes are always following Taetae. When I was lost in thought, all the girls started fangirling. I didn't know why, but I saw Jungkook talking to Mr. Li. 

" Y/n, you have been called to Mr. Shang's office." 

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