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It's been days since I last talked to Jimin and the others. We were all stressed because of these major tests that we had to study for. Since we have a one week break, I decided to make arrangements for a trip. I squealed thinking about it. My idea was to rent a house near a beach, but I'm broke. 

I sat there on the couch lifelessly. I just came back from school with Jin. Everyone has been in their quiet corner for the past few days, even my Taetae. Jin turned on the tv and started watching people tasting food at local restaurants...near a beach. I growled and slammed the pillow onto my face.

" What's wrong," Jin paused the video.

" Since this week is our days off, I wanted to go somewhere with the boys," I sighed with deep depression.

" That sounds like a great idea," Jin patted my back. "But..."

" I know. We can not afford to rent a place for us to stay in."

" I mean...I can pull a little strings," he giggled.

" What does that mean?"


" TA-DA," Jin yelled with excitement as he showed me a beach house.

" Hold up. You are telling me that we are going to stay in a beach house for a week!"

" Yes," he grinned up as if he had just saved the world.

" You're lying. We can't afford this. Where did you get the money?"

" Actually Jungkook's parents are on a business trip and asked Jungkook to take care of it for them," he smirked.

" So... he's inviting us."

Seokjin just sat there with a huge smile on his face. I jumped up and down, which shook the whole house. I couldn't believe it. We are actually going on a trip. Yes! Yes! Yes! I can't even explainn how happy I am. Jin is just there laughing at the tv screen. How can he not be happy about this right now? What can I say? He's my brother. 

I had so many questions running inside my head. How beautiful is the beach? What do I bring to wear? I totally forgot. We are going to the beach!!! Wait...we are going to the BEACH!!!! That means swimsuits.

The image of Taetae being shirtless and only wearing shorts, got me a nose bleed. I can't stop imagining how his body will look like. He definitely has abs. I only touched his body with clothing, but shirtless!!! Oh come on... God give me mercy. Someone please help me.


" Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!!!!"

I slightly opened my eyes to see Jin crying. I looked up and wiped away his tears. He's in pain. I have never seen him cry this much before.

" You're awake," he smiled. " Don't scare me like that?!"

" What happened?"

" You fainted, but you were out for more than 3 hours. I was worried that..." Jin stopped and got up. "I'll bring you a glass of water to drink." 

I got up from the floor and sat on the couch. I waited for Jin to come out of the kitchen, but it was taking too long. I quietly got up and placed my ear on the door. Jin was sobbing and mumbling words that I couldn't understand. I opened the door a bit, to see Jin grabbing his hair harshly. 

His tears kept rolling down his pale cheeks and his lips turned from red to purple. He was brought back from the dead. Then he started calling out for our parents. 

I walked in, patting his back and pulled him to a hug. Seeing him like this breaks me. I could feel his pain by just staring at his tears running to his chin. He looked at me with a small smile and kissed my forehead.

" I'm sorry."

" Sorry for what?"

" For being like this," he buried his face with a pillow.

" I don't understand Jin."

" I knew you ran away when Taehyung said those spiteful words. I was there when he told his so called friends. I wasn't a good brother to you then and I'm not a good brother now."

" Jin..."

" I didn't tell you this, but after the incident, you get these abnormal, inconsistent headaches and sometimes you would faint. The doctors warned me and Mrs. Han...that one day you might not wake up and..." Jin sighed.

" and what?"

" You might forget everything. Mrs. Han and I tried to keep you safe from getting hurt. But now you just fainted on the couch without hitting your head or anything. You were out for 3 hours. THREE HOURS! I was worried that you weren't going to wake up. I couldn't move a muscle. I didn't reach for the phone or dialed 911. I was so scared..." I could see his hands trembling with fear.

I caressed Jin's hair and pecked his forehead. His body was shaking non-stop. I held him until his body stopped shaking. I can't help but think about the situation I was in. I'll forget everything. The memories of my family. My friends. Taehyung. I was scared out of my world.

" Jin..." a trail of my words slipped out. " You are the best brother in the world. You wanna know why."

He shook his head slowly.

" You gave me your love. You gave me your protection. You gave me your everything to keep me safe and healthy. You truly are the best. Don't think otherwise. Without you being at my side when I needed it the most... I think I wouldn't have made it."

" Yeah I guess so," I hugged me as tightly as he can. " I love you my little Y/n."

" I love you too my over protective brother."

" Yahhh!!! I thought we were having a brother and sister bonding time," he cried as he laughed.

" We are! I'll go cook you something," I smiled and got up.

" Y/n... don't make me laugh more," Jin teased. " You can't even fry an egg."

" Jin!!! I'm doing you a favor," I pouted.

" Let me cook," he turned on the oven and got out ingredients from the fridge.

 I watched him cook like a professional chef. I secretly recorded him cooking a delicious and mouth-watering meal...Kimchi fried rice. I enjoyed watching him cook. It made my mind feel at ease and I guess for him too. 

I started to drool once he placed the food in front of me. I waited for him to be seated first, then I could eat. But he was taking his precious time. He washed his hands slowly, dried them slowly, and slowly placed unclean dishes. He stared at them for two minutes.

" Jin! Are you serious right now?! You take forever," my stomach cried out loud. 

" I didn't tell you to wait for me," he started laughing like a windshield. " Did I?"

" Oh come on. I wanted to eat with you because I know if I started to eat earlier, I would have finished in just three minutes."

The whole time, we were just eating and laughing at the childish memories we had and the current memories at the University. 

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