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Taehyung POV: 

" I hate this movie," I covered myself with a blanket.

" You're so cute," she laughed.

" You shouldn't say those things to me," I pecked her cheeks. 

" Stop," she hit me with a pillow.

The moment I see kids bleeding in the TV screen, it scared the hell out of me. I look at Y/n and she looked fascinated...I think. She liked horror movies. Well that's what she told me. She didn't really want to see a romance movie. 

" Are you that scared?"

" Yes I am. I need more pillows," I grabbed every pillow I could find.

She laughed. She went to her closet and pulled out a teddy bear. I was in awe. It was so big and fluffy. 

" Here you go," she smiled. " He should keep you safe. It was Jin's. He was about to throw it away, but I took it."

I hugged it so hard every time there was a bloody scene. 


Taetae was sleeping on my shoulder and I couldn't stop myself from blushing.  He looked so peaceful and cute. 

The movie finished and I didn't want to wake him up. But it was getting late, so I kissed his forehead, hoping he will wake up...and he did.

" Did the movie finish," he rubbed his eyes.

" Yeah."

" I'm sorry I didn't get to see the full movie with you," he said.

" It's okay. But we should have watched something else beside a horror movie," she chuckled nervously. 

" It doesn't matter. I'm glad I got to share this moment with you," he smirked.

" Why did you say it like that? It sounded weird ya know," he made me nervous.

He laughed and cupped my face. His eyes were concentrated on my lips. I leaned in and kissed him first. His hands started going all the way to my hips and I placed my hands on his chest. I never want him to let go of me. 

Then the door opened.

Jin POV:

- A few minutes before-

I was in the living room with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok watching funny videos while eating popcorn. We were choking ourselves. This is how you know it was that funny. But no one can top my jokes. I'm lejindary. Get it. My name is in the word Legendary. 

I never heard the door bell ring, but Namjoon tapped my shoulder and pointed at the front door. I got up and was to surprised to see Jungkook standing in front of me. 

" Isn't it the golden maknae," I smiled.

 " Hey Jin! Is Taehyung here?"

" Yeah he is. He's with Y/n right now," I let him in.

" Oh really. Are you guys okay?"

" What me and Taehyung?"

" Yeah," he looked curious. 

" We are," I smiled and patted his back. " I'll get him."

I went up the stairs. Without knocking, I stormed in and found Taehyung kissing my sister.

Y/n screamed and threw a pillow at me indicating for me to leave them. I quickly ran out and heard Taehyung saying sorry multiple times to Y/n.

I shook my head. Why does he always have to apologize?

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