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" Where are we going?"

" We are going to the place where we had our first date," I smiled and held his hand.

" The lake," he slightly blushed.


We sat near the lake and watched the water current move toward us. I reached into my pocket to find a coin. I prayed and whispered to the coin. 

I threw the coin farther away from shore and sat back down next to Taetae. I wish to live a happy life with Taetae. 

Then I felt Taetae's eyes on me. 

" What did you wish for, this time," he asked out of curiosity.

" None of your business," I giggled and ran up to the hill where we will relive our childhood moments.

We laid on the grass and looked up at the sky to see the beautiful stars that twinkle in the dark. I closed my eyes and started breathing in and out. Then I felt movement.

I slowly open my eyes to find Taetae hovering over my body. I think my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't breathe properly. I wanted to him get off, so I touch his chest. But instead of him getting up or getting off, all he did was smirk, which made me red. Like really red. 

I can't stop thinking about what he will do to me. I looked away to hide my face. Why did he have to be so good-looking? I tried to calm myself.

" Taetae...I want to see the beautiful stars, but you're blocking my way," I teased.

" Well the stars can't compare to you. I bet the galaxies are jealous of your beauty every time  you look up at the night sky," he licked his upper lip. 

Where did he learn these lines?! 

I covered my face more. But he removed my hands from my face and looked straight at my eyes and then my lips. He wrapped my arms on his neck and...

His lips brushed on mine so delicately like a butterfly wings. Just long enough that he could inhale my breath and feel the warmth of both our bodies and tasting every bit of my strawberry lip balm. I tightened my grip on his neck as his lips slowly went down to my neck.  He is going really deep into this. I wasn't ready.

" Taetae..." he cut me off with his kiss.  

" I know," he got up and offered his hand to me.

I accepted his gesture and we started to look for Jin.   

As we were walking to find Jin, I got a phone call from him. I picked it up and found out that Kookie found him. I ended the call and checked the time. It was almost 9!!!!!!!!! 

We went back to the parking lot and met the others.

" Finally! We were waiting for you guys," Jin yelled as he hugged me. 

" You took forever," Hobi said.

" Were you guys together," Joonie asked.

We both stayed quiet and blushed.

" Answer the question," Jimin said with a harsh tone.

I was shocked to hear those angry words out of his mouth.

" Yeah we were," Taetae answered.

Jimin went inside the car first and shut the door hard. Kookie had a weird expression on his face and hid behind Jin. Joonie and Hobi were whispering about something while Jin was trying to talk to kookie. Why is everyone acting weird?

" I'll be right back," Taetae said as he left.

I wanted to go home now and sleep, so I decided to sit next to Jimin inside the car. 

At first, we didn't talk much, and I felt uneasy. I wondered what made Jimin so mad at me.

Out of nowhere...

" I'm sorry for acting the way I was," Jimin looked out the window.

" It's ok."

" It's not. It's just it's really late and I'm tired. I want to go home already," he sighed.

" Me too," I hugged him. " You can always talk to me about anything ya know."

Jimin turned his face to me and smiled. I stretched my arms and rested my head on the other window until Jin screamed. I look up through the window to find Taetae's hands closed and showing it to Jin. Taetae started chasing Jin as if they were playing tag. I laughed because Jin bumped into the tree, and I wasn't the only one laughing...everyone was. 

Taetae, then, opened the door and scooted me over so he could sit. He peeked through this cupped hands and smiled at me. I looked at Jimin, but before I could ask him a question, he just left.

" What are you holding?"

" Something special," Taetae said.

He kept peeking and smiling. 

" I want to see too."

Taetae slowly opened his hand, and a tiny firefly was flying around the car with it's tiny light. 

" It's so tiny and cute," I squealed. " I want to squeeze it...that was a bad term to use. I mean I want to hold it. It's so cute." I couldn't help myself. 

Taetae scoffed and looked through the window. I knew why he was upset.

" Why are you upset," I asked if I was too dumb to notice.

" You called it CUTE," he pouted. " I am cute too..."

" Not really."

He looked at me and sulked with a frown. I giggled and cupped his face.

" You're not just cute, you're handsome, good-looking and hot," I blurted out.

He smiled and tried to catch the firefly, so I decided to open the window and the little firefly flew away to find its family.

" Why did you do that?"

" I don't want that little bug to be trapped inside your huge hands. I think it suffered enough," Taetae tickled me.

Jin dropped off Joonie and Hobi while Jimin drove us home.

I waved them good bye, but before I could get out of the car, Taetae pulled my arm and whispered...

" I love you Y/n."

" I love you too Taetae."

---End of Flashback---

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