Chapter 4.

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"Katie" Shiro yelled as the floor collapse taking Pidge and Keith with it.

"Shiro, we need to go ... if they still alive they meet us outside" Lance yelled as a group of zombies started coming closer and closer to the two who were standing on the edge where the floor had once been.

"Katie You better not be dead and meet us by the car" Shiro yelled throwing the car keys down before running off with Lance since their was to many zombies for them to kill.

"Urg" Pidge groaned as she slowly sat up feeling every single bone in her body right now but she soon picked up the keys that hit her arm.

"You alive" Keith moaned as he slowly stood up.

"Sadly" Pidge replied making her new friend chuckle.

"Yeah, If only we died when we fell then we wouldnt be feeling everything" Keith sighed and limped over to Pidge as she stood up.

"Anything broken" Pidge asked with worry as she notice Keith limp.

"No but I do have a bit of the wood in my leg now" Keith replied and pointed to the small piece of the floor in the side of his leg.

"We get you patched up once we back at the car, do you think you can walk a little bit" Pidge asked as she walked over to Keith letting him put an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah but lets just hope we wont need to any zombies, I dont think we in the best shape to fight" Keith mumbled and Pidge giggled as they were both covered in small scratches and bruise. While Keith was unlucky enough to have gotten some of the floor in his leg, lucky for him it didnt seem to deep just like a big splinter.

"I'm sure we be fine" Pidge smiled sweetly and the two started slowly walking. 

"So who Katie" Keith asked as they slowly walked the floor they landed on heading towards the hall with a fire exit that lead to the garrison carpark. Non of the four guessed that a trap was install in the old training hall hence She and Keith was now trapped on another floor.

"Who" Pidge asked acting dumb. 

"Really, Shiro just yelled the name out like his life depended on it ... So who is truly Pidge" Keith sighed and glanced to her before they shuffle out of a door leading to the hall.

"Its might real name but I go by Pidge now, Only shiro can speak my true name so the old me isn't truly dead. Please dont tell Lance or anyone else" Pidge mumbled with worry.

"I wont tell, we all left part of ourselves hidden deep down. Lets just meet up with the other two before one of us get infected" Keith smiled slightly and Pidge nodded while they walked on. 

The two soon made it to the fire escape and walked down the metal stairs on the side of the building before heading towards where Shiro parked the car. Pidge unlocked the door since she held the keys after Shiro threw them at her. She knew it was his way of making sure she stay alive otherwise he be trapped in the base full of zombies that came from nowhere.

Pidge opened the boot telling Keith to sit while she grabbed the first aid kit. She took out a pack of bandages thinking they can sort out their small cuts, bruises and grazes later but fix up his leg with the wood in it first in case they need to move fast.

"This might hurt" Pidge warned as she passed him a rag to bite down on.

"Pull it out quick without mercy .. please" Keith mutter as he placed the rag in his mouth closing his eyes hoping it hurt less.

"On three" Pidge mutter as she reached for the bit of wood, its wasn't big or thick but she knew it would still hurt to be pulling for him thigh.

"Mmm" Keith moaned from the rag.

"1" Pidge whispered and yanked it out straight away ducking as Keith went to punch her. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO FUCKING 2 AND 3" Keith yelled in pain as he glared at her, the gag in his other hand.

"Hehe, I thought I'll make it quick and well it seemed better then letting your nerves kicking in" Pidge nervously smiled as she held the bit of wood looking it over.

"Tada" Pidge cheered and waved the bit of wood.

"God I want to hit you right now but thank you" Keith grumbled and gave a kinder tone for the thanks part.

"Sorry for tricking you" Pidge mutter and wrapped the bandage around his leg.

"No worries, I guess it did help" Keith sighed and Pidge grinned.

"Well lets get you in the car while we wait for the others" Pidge smiled and Keith jumped up before Pidge shut the boot.

"I cant believe out of all the cars you could steal .. you got a Berlingo" Keith smirked slightly as he was sat in the back behind the passengers seat.

"Laugh as much as you want but soon you'll be loving this car" Pidge grinned and slid the door shot for Keith.


Pidge soon turned as she heard shiro voice and saw him running towards her before wrapping his arms around her. Pidge smiled and hugged him back, thankful he was ok too. The two moment was ruined from Lance scream and Zombies groans.

"Have a moment later and lets get out of here" Lance screamed as he jumped in the back of the berlingo sitting behind the driver seat.

"Lets go" Pidge smiled and passed the keys before jumping in the passenger seat while Shiro got in the driver seat. He was soon driving off running over a couple zombies and spinning the car to back zombies free from the gate letting Pidge run out and open it fully before jumping back in and him speeding off.

"Your right, I fucking love this car" Keith smirked as he saw how well it handle the zombies.

"I'm gonna puke" Lance yelled making the others frown.

"So whats the plan now" Keith asked as he looked to the two in the front.

"The Garrison had that floor trapped for some reason, it was meant to fall if someone walked over it meaning they were trying to stop people for some reason of scare them off. Then lets not forget about the sudden rush of zombies that came from no where unless they were locked up to be released if the trap was set off. Something is fishy about this" Pidge explained as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry that smell might have been me" Lance spoke up making the other three glance to him in disgust before groaning as the smell hit them making them all open their windows a little not caring for any zombies. 

"We were outside just three minutes ago and you wait for the car, next time I'm leaving you to walk" Shiro grumbled and focused on driving.

"I was too busy trying to stay alive three minutes ago, I'm all calm now and its not my faults a natural body thing" Lance huffed back and looked out the window. 

"Anyway moving back on to the Garrison, You think they trying to hide something and make sure certain people dont find any clues on this something" Keith asked and Pidge nodded.

"I'm sure of it, we just need to hope that Matt little notebook holds clues for us to help understand the reason why or where they might be" Pidge sighed and pulled out a notebook from her jacket pocket. 

"We have a look tomorrow, for now lets park up and rest. We need sleep" Shiro replied and the others nodded. 

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