Chapter 19.

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Two days since Shiro fully woke up, the group agreed to spend the winter at the farmer house, finding canned food in the baseball and bottles of water but then again a water tank sat on the farm meaning they didnt need to use the extra bottles.

Shiro got use to his arm within the first day and was back to his normal self, well training a little more then the others would like. But shiro just wanted to unstiff his body and just loosen up ready when they have to run from zombie or fight.

But shiro had something on his mind, a sensation on his lips.

He has flashes of the memory of Pidge kneeling beside him, teary eyes as she looked to him. Fear and self hate filling her eyes as she thought about what she planned to do. He remembered a salty soft kiss on his lips before blacking out.

He raised his robotic hand to his lips, they still feel slightly warm even if it happened just over a week ago. He stopped running as he heard a familiar giggle seeing Pidge sitting on the farm house porch steps with Keith.

Shiro walked over, cutting his jog short just wanting to see pidge and listen to her giggle more. Pidge and Keith looked up with smiles as Shiro came to a stop at the bottom off the steps.

"Hey" Pidge grinned as she stood up standing on the step but still being shorter then shiro making the other two males chuckle.

"Oh shut it" Pidge pouted as she crossed her arms turning her head slightly.

"Pout as much as you wish, I'll just find you more adorable" Shiro teased as he placed his own hands on his hips.

"I" Keith smirked as he stood up noticing as Shiro blush slightly.

"Keith" Pidge mutter embarrassed and slapped his arm.

"Use condoms" Keith teased before running inside leaving the two as a blushing mess.

"Sorry about him" Pidge sighed as she let her arms drop to her side.

"Its fine, If I couldn't handle teasing then I would have ditched you long ago" Shiro joked making her giggle.

"Why dont we head inside, its getting dark and I'm sure the food will be done soon" Pidge smiled and held her hand out.

"Sure" Shiro smiled gently and took her hand in his before walking up the steps with her.

"We having chips, homemade chips" Pidge smiled brightly as she swung their hands a little.

"Oooh sounds nice" Shiro smiled as he helped to swing their hands.

"Hey Katie" Shiro mumbled as he pulled her back before she opened the door.

"Something wrong" Pidge asked with worry.

"Thanks" Shiro smiled softly as he looked to her.

"No Takashi, thank you for surviving and not leaving me" Pidge smiled sweetly as she looked to him, her hazel eyes looking into his grey ones.

"Katie" Shiro whispered as his eyes melted into hers, his body taking a step closer to her as he started to lean down ... feeling her breath just inches away as they both slowly closed their eyes leaning closer.

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