Chapter 7.

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"Piss off" Pidge growled and Pushed lance back with one hand while holding a shopping basket in her other hand.

All four was holding a shopping basket to put the clothes and underwear they pick out in instead of carrying them why they try out the clothes and all. Pidge currently just finished looking at underwear and well she had to check her chest size by trying some on in the changing room while she knew the other boys were busy looking at underwear for themselves. Pidge now knew her size and picked out three bars she liked while getting a pack of underwear in her size but now she had Lance walking over wanting to check out if she picked any basic clothes yet.

Shiro gave them all a plastic sport bag, the ones with tight string mostly used by children or teens. For them all to put their chosen clothes in before he placed them inside the suitcase so no one clothes need to mix together or no one underwear gets mixed together. Shiro and Pidge didnt mind their tops, trousers, single spare shoes or shocks mixing since they were use to it and just placed their underwear in the plastic PE bags so neither had to the touch the others underwear. 

"Yikes why so moody, I was just asking" Lance mumbled and walked away swinging his basket without care if his back of boxes was seen or not. 

"Lance not everyone enjoys sharing their underwear or enjoys showing it off like you. Most actually try not to look at each other boxes becuase its decent not to show off what we all wear under our clothes. Maybe learn how to be a decent human" Keith sighed and looked at tops. 

"Pidge, no getting shorts" Shiro called out as he notice her walking towards the basic clothes. Girls clothes was one side and the boys the other but a small path in the middle parted the two genders but both could see each other if turned to the side. 

"Dont worry shiro, I'm not going to get thigh shorts. They too short for my liking and I'll only ever ware a pair with tights or leggings but putting tights on quickly is impossible when chased by zombies. I would go for the leggings option by I dont know if I want to have leggings and shorts as my daily clothes before swapping outfits" Pidge replied as she looked at some dark blue jeggings. 

"I mean no shorts that end at your knees, just because they longer then short shorts, doesn't mean they any better. You need something that can cover you and give you some warmth since we always on the move" Shiro mumbled and Pidge giggled at Shiro knowing her so well.

"I did that once last year and I learned my lesson after sliding down the side of the building grazing my leg pretty bad. I'm never wearing shorts again without leggings but it takes too long to dress" Pidge sighed and Shiro chuckle at the memory slightly. He felt horrible at the time after seeing her leg and seeing her in pain but he could now laugh at how stupid she was for sliding down a building wall in shorts. 

"Wow you guys have some strange memories" Lance joked as he picked up some male jeans in his new size.

(Not the tight jeans but the male version off jeggings, I want to call them jeggings but boys sometimes get upset over calling male jeggings as jeggings. So, male jeggings whatever they called are what the guys will be picking out in different colours).

"Well I'm gonna be trying out the clothes I picked out then I'll take guard while you three try your outfits out" Keith mutter and walked to the changing rooms and did what he needed. 

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