Chapter 31.

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"Well how does it feel being five months pregant" Allura asked excitedly as the group was sitting outside since it was a warm day.

"Why don't you go get pregant and find out" Shay grumbled back as Allura wouldnt stop asking her how she felt over being pregant and was getting close to killing the women. 

"Pregant" Allura mutter unsure before a huge smile filled her face as she turned to Shiro battening her eyelashes. 

"Nope" Shiro answered as he could feel her eyes on him while he played go fish with Matt, Keith and Krollia. 

"I can't believe we been in this place for a whole month already, Its gone so quick" Hunk mumbled as he looked up from his 'Expecting your first child, the do's and don'ts' book while he sat beside Shay.

"Yeah it's gone quick but at the same time it hasn't not while I'll been teaching Shay the basic of being a nurse" Romelle smiled sweetly as she laid on the grass.

"It is very nice of you to help teach Shay the basics of medic care, it will come in handy if we ever hurt after leaving this camp or something. She might be saving us more then we think" Krollia smiled slightly and Romelle just gave a thumbs up.

"Well she only wish to help in case one of you get hurt, after all it is worrying that a craze man is changing down you seven along with another. Us outsiders who aren't much fighters can just learn how to heal you better" Coran explained and the others giving slight nod feeling the mood damper a little but knowing it was the truth.

"Oi, sis stop flirting with Lance and tell me Keith cards" Matt called out as he glanced to where his sister and Lance was laying, Pidge using Lance stomach as a pillow without a care while they both talked about anything and everything. Mostly making fun of certain guards they seen. Shiro head turning in the directions of the two without thinking making Keith just smirk.

"We not flirting unless you want us too .... Oh Pidgey my love marry me" Lance yelled back before grinned and speaking like a mad man in love as he plop one hand on her face.

"Oh shut it lover-boy and help my brother cheat" Pidge grinned as she pushed Lance hand of her face.

"I can feel just how madly in love your both are" Keith joked making the others laugh and the two sit up sticking their tongues out. 

"Romelle, can I talk with you for a moment .. Its a private matter" Kolivan asked as he walked over with Thace standing close to where the group was spread out. 

"Sure, I was just helping Krollia to cheat" Romelle smiled sweetly as she stood up from laying behind Matt to see his cards and Matt whipped his head round in shock as she walked away with Kolivan.

"Hey man, how are you its been like forever since you joined us" Hunk asked with a kind smile since Thace kept to him own thing since they arrived in the camp. They would sometimes see him in the halls but not long enough to talk.

"I've been well thank you, just been helping out as a zombie hunter and guard on the gate. I've also been catching up with Kolivan who is my old friend and learning about Romelle who Ulaz my past lover saved once. I thought it was best if I told her the news of his death myself and well we caught up. How have you all been doing" Thace replied with a slight smile as he looked to the others.

"We just been hanging together and forming a new group with each other" Coran smiled as he lifted his hand giving a slight wave and Thace gave a slight nod. 

"Yes Romelle did say you guys were getting close, Some clearly getting closer to her mostly" Thace replied as he glared at Lance.

"Oh someone knows your been fucking Romelle in the nurse room" Pidge teased as she glanced between Lance and Thace.

"I'll treat her right sir, there been no other girl since or while" Lance promised and thace gave an unsure nod.

"Well can we help you with anything, You seem distracted" Krollia asked with worry as she looked to Thace eyes.

"I hate to be the one to say this but you all should leave the camp rather soon, A rebelling will take place here since another camp that not as nice to treating outsiders have sent a couple spies here passing on rumours over this place. We know they won over half the camp who think they get treated like Allura did if they help take over the camp. We sending out as many people as we can to safer camps we friends with, those we know who aren't apart of the rebelling but its best if you all leave. You have some great fighters and might be asked to help fight back for the camp but if you stay you will surely die. The camp wont be taking much survivors and those they dont would be treated nicely mostly the women" Thace warned as he looked to the group who tensed and filled with horror. Shiro looked to Pidge who held her arms in a tight grip at the last part making him quickly go over pulling her into a tight hug.

"But if we leave what about Shay, Non of us know how to deliver a baby and well even if we just wing it ... I think most of us with pass out or throw up  from the sight. No offense baby, birth is beautiful in its own way but just look at our group" Hunk asked with worry as panic raise in and he held Shay hand as he didnt mean to upset her if he did. 

Shiro letting Pidge go once she seemed calm again but stayed sitting beside her.

"I know Romelle been teaching me and Coran how to save someone life and the basics of healing injures or sickness with little supplies but birthing, only Coran knows the basic since he his twins girls birth. I dont know anything more then the basic meaning we cant deliver my child" Shay spoke up slightly scared but trying to keep calm for the baby shake.

"Clam down, Kolivan is speaking with Romelle to ask her to join your group. If you dont mind her coming along then she can help with the birth. Neither me or Kolivan wants our only trained doctor here when this attack happens and we dont want her having such a horrible fate. We got trained men that been taught by Romelle for us to keep here instead. We just waiting on her answer" Thace explained and the others looked to each other.

"Of course she can join us, we will suck at helping Shay give birth .. I mean can you see how that would end if it came to just our group for the birth. We would be fucked" Lance augured back and the others nodded in agreement.

"What Lance means we need Romelle more they anyone else right now and she already part of the group. I mean she dating lance and have been hanging out with us outside of her doctor duties, she one of us" Matt smiled as he looked to thace who nodded in understanding. 

"Well I suggest you leave tonight, Me and Kolivan will be guarding the gate and well we might let two cars pass us by" Thace mumbled and threw a set of Keys at Keith.

"Is it big" Keith asked with hope and Thace nodded making him smirk.

"Then we leave tonight, we check over the jeep and head out once its dark. We drive as far as we can over the night before pulling over to sleep and swap supplies over between the two cars. For now we just keep everything in the jeep and place everyone else's stuff in the second car boot" Shiro spoke up and the others nodded, Pidge seeming unsure.

"What will you and Kolivan do, You'll both surely die if you stay since you kinda help run the place and Kolivan is the boss of this place. Why not sneak out with us ... You don't deserve to die in this place either" Pidge replied with a slight frown and Thace smiled at her.

"Leaving the worrying to me, We have a plan to escape but we need to get everyone else out to safety first" Thace smiled and the others nodded unsure.

"Well, why dont we check out this second car. We need to work out who going in what car and who driving what" Lance mumbled and the group stood up.

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