Chapter 32.

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"Honda CR-V (2018) in White, not the best colour for a zombie apocalypse but its a nice car" Hunk smiled as he looked to the car with the others.

"Red would have been better" Keith mumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Lets be thankful it wasn't in black, I remember the adverts for this car and it looked horrible in black" Coran replied as he played with his mustache. 

"Well who going in this car and who going in the jeep. I mean I wouldnt be able to drive thanks to my bump" Shay asked as she looked around and everyone stood thinking.

"Well Shay told me she taught the others basic driving but can anyone else drive who wasn't with the group" Romelle spoke up turning as Matt, Krollia and Coran lifted their hands.

"Why dont we use the white car for those who need to be more protected. Haven't fought much and needs care. Me and Coran can take turns driving while Romelle, Allura and Shay sit in the back" Krollia said unsure and Hunk held Shay hand not really wanting to parted from her.

"But we be the most defenceless if we get pulled over or attacked when driving" Allura argue back and stepped closer to Shiro who was thinking not taking any notice of those around him. 

"No it makes sense, Krollia is a good fighter so she keep you lot safe if it comes to it but she know how to hide you up and protect you until we catch up. I mean its better then mixing us all up. I mean one of us can take lead and protect while the other is kept safe with our more important supplies" Matt explained with a small smile trying to calm everyone slightly.

"Agreed, We put our medical and food supplies in the Honda CR-V. Shay, Romelle and Allura you three girls on in as well since we cant let our nurses/doctors or our baby to be in any real danger. We need to keep you safe the most, Coran and Krollia will drive the car. They help protect you and they better for hiding in pain sight. Remember you five will be keeping our most needed supplies, your gonna be our last defence" Shiro smiled with care and calming the others making them feel more needed then useless.

"Well now we know who going in who car, lets all meet up here at midnight. Keith and Krollia should start your normal patrol. Hunk, take Shay back to the room and do your strange bonding with the baby stuff. Coran, go talk someone to death like normal and Romelle return to your nurse room. The rest of us will pack up and start moving the bags to the car separating them into the cars. We all need to keep to our normal acts to not make anyone suspicious" Pidge spoke up with a hand on her hip the other eight nodding in agreement.

 The group split up and headed to do their normal things they would do around this time of the day. Pidge and Lance was packing the small bags everyone kept by their sleeping bags. No one took notice since they were use to the group packing their small bags and swapping their spare clothes for another set that they leave in the car. Shiro and Matt helped, acting like Matt wanted to have a good look over the jeep and Shiro was letting him. 

Shiro, Matt and Lance reached the jeep, Pidge separated from them to pick up Romelle bags she should have been packing. Matt looked over the jeep and notice the semi system the group made and how each sports bag hold certain things and how some sports bag would have mini bags inside to separate everyone personal items.

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