Chapter 16.

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"This way" Lance grinned as he opened the middle school main doors, the electric doors no longer working making them easy to push open without any ID. A War Hammer in his hands and his kitchen knife in its self made sheath on his strapped to a belt hoop. His bow and arrow left in the car since it would just be extra weight in close fighting. A SOG Seal Pup Elite knife strapped to the bottom of his leg for last resort in a zombie fight.

"Shh, we dont if this place is empty or not" Keith snapped and slapped Lance arm since he banged open the doors making a loud echo. His katana in his hand as his knife was in its sheath strapped to his belt and a Karambit knife in his  right running boot.

"I dont like this, I think we should just leave it" Hunk spoke with fear as he gripped his Sledgehammer handle, a  cricket bat on his back. A Bear Grylls knife in his pocket as a last defence if he gets pushed down by one.

"I agree, I know someone sprayed 'Help' on the wall but it might be a trapped or we could be too late already. I think we should just go, this place could be filling with zombies but more worryingly children zombies that are small and fast. We be out numbed in seconds and have no chance" Shay spoke up with worry as she gripped her Ice axe in her hands, standing near the back of the group more. A ESEE-4 knife in a sheath strapped to her  arm. 

"I know how much of a risk we taking but that spray pain is new, maybe a couple days old the most. Someone needs help and well their a storm coming. I cant drive in so much rain without putting us all at risk. If I park up somewhere we wont see or hear any zombies until they smashing up against the jeep. Its best if we huddle up inside for now and we on the edge of the city, the school might be the best spot for now" Shiro replied as he held his axe in his hand, a trench knife in a sheath strapped to his right thing and his army knife on the back of his belt. 

"I hate to say it but we gonna need to split up ... this school only two floors but we got tons of class's to check. We go in two's, small numbers but it be better to face children zombies in a small group so we dont bash into each other. We need to be able to run without clashing into each other, small groups will also help us sneak around any zombies" Pidge spoke up holding a tomahawk in her left hand while her baseball bat was in a baseball bat bag on her back. A shack and Shiv knifes strapped, the shack knife strapped to her left thigh and her shiv knife in her right ankle in her boot. 

"Oh, I really dont like that idea" Lance frowned as he looked to pidge as they stayed by the entrance.

"No, I like this Idea. We would have a higher chance of living in pairs then as a group plus we cover more ground quicker meaning less likely to walk into a trap without warning" Hunk replied with a small smile making Lance give him a betrayed look.

"If we do this, we have to pair up smartly. I mean we not all strong fighters or born to be sneaky. We need to pair up to back up each others in this, meaning we cant just go with who we prefer" Shay explained with a slight smile. 

"But I always get paired up with someone I dislike and find very annoying. I mean the only decent people I enjoy getting paired up with are Pidge and Shiro yet they only had a couple times so far. So for the life of god, please pair me up with one of them if we gonna die here" Keith argue back losing his cool a little as the others just watched before blinking and looking to the other. 

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