Chapter 29.

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"Oh thank goodness your all wearing Kimonos again" Lance cried out in joy as he ran down the hall once he heard the news of returners in a jeep.

"I'm glad someone happy we stuck in kimonos until they wash our clothes to make sure no zombie blood gets in" Keith grumbled as he crossed his arms. 

"Is it me or did our numbers grow away" Lance asked with a cheeky grin as he placed his hands on his hips.

"Lance meet Iverson, Krollia who is Keith mother and Matt who Pidge brighter and Keith secret boyfriend" Shiro smiled before smirking at the end as Matt and Keith blushed while holding hands.

"Oh my, they are just too pure" Lance teased as he leaned forwards a little.

"I'm guessing your Lance McClain, I have a feeling I wont be liking you very much" Iverson frowned making Lance smile fade.

"Its nice to meet you" Krollia smiled slightly and Lance smiled back. 

"Hey, Lance why do you have some girl panties in your pocket ... oh god please dont say you slept with someone in my sleeping bag again" Keith asked with fear.

"Nah but I'm looking after them for someone. But how come Pidge kimono seems rather solid in one place" Lance replied as he looked to Pidge.

"Well you know they take any used weapons away to be cleaned and left for a day ... well once they fully cleaned my bat I stole it back" Pidge grinned as she pulled it out of her kimono proudly.

"Oh god did Lance tell you about him doing a girl in pidge sleeping bag already. Dont kill him Pidge" Hunk panic as he came running over seeing Pidge bat in her hand.

"He did what" Pidge growled as she glared at Lance who nervously laughed.

"Hunk buddy I didnt tell her" Lance cried out and hid behind Hunk once he came to a stop giving a sorry look.

"Dont worry Pidge I swapped your sleeping bag with a brand new one .. your welcome" Hunk smiled kindly.

"Hunk I love you" Pidge cheered and hugged her bigger friend.

"Yes I'm the cinnamon roll  that everyone loves and can never hate ... now I need a favour from my favourite deadly women friend" Hunk nervously smiled as he kept Pidge trapped in his arms making her stuck in the hug.

"What do you need" Shiro asked with a small smile since Hunk didnt normally ask for much.

"Shay is moody as hell today that she keeps folding the spare set of clothes you left for us, I mean its only three sets between her, mine and lance yet she keeps folding them and unfolding them while being snappy to us. I did get her to calm down and rest a little but it didnt last long and well I just think she needs some girl time. So please Pidge, will you go on a walk with my girlfriend and talk with her, I know I can trust you with her and her problems if she has any" Hunk replied quickly clearly scared and worried.

"Sure, I mean I already handled her freak out over being pregant moment .. I can handle another pregant freak out moment" Pidge grinned and Hunk gave her a quick hug before letting her go.

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