Chapter 28.

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"Urr what do you think your doing" Pidge asked as she and Krollia walked towards the jeep ready to jump in but pidge notice Iverson reaching for the passenger car door. 

"I'm jumping in" Iverson replied as Krollia jumped in the boot sitting on the seat on the left side.

"Not there your not" Pidge answered as she stood before the door crossing her seat.

"The oldest always get the passenger seat and the old with the highest rank" Iverson replied as he crossed his arms.

"Not in this group we dont" Keith spoke up as he jumped in the car sitting behind the passenger seat.

"Look children, if you dont just get in the car then I'll be sitting in the passenger seat" Matt sighed as he stood by the open car door to the seat that sat behind the driver while Shiro sat in the driver seat already.

"So, what the rules for the passenger seat" Krollia asked as she popped her head over the back seats.

"You'll learn soon enough but lets just say there no way Iverson gonna be sitting there" Keith smirked as he pulled his seatbelt on.

"Get in the boot old man before I make you" Pidge growled as she glared at Iverson who tried reaching for the door handle again.

"Pidge just sit in the passenger seat and Iverson get in the boot" Shiro ordered getting annoyed.

"Ha" Pidge grinned as she stuck her tongue out before jumping in the front, Matt sitting in the seat behind the driver and closing the door.

"Childish" Iverson grumbled as he climbed in the boot pulling the metal boot door shut before buckling himself in the right chair stuck to the side. 

"Wow, he gave her the passenger seat" Matt mutter as he done his seat belt up.

"Everyone has a seat in this jeep" Keith replied and the others nodded while Shiro started driving.

"So, the garrison info what we need to talk about but you needed privacy ... this is the best we gonna get .. so start talking" Pidge spoke out as she buckled in as Shiro drive out of the park car park and joining the main road.

"We got two hours and that's all, so its best to get talking now" Keith replied and slid an arm round the side to pass pidge the spare keys to the jeep.

"The garrison isn't responsible for the zombie break out, not fully. Two months break the out break, a group was sent to check out an old camp that was set up inside like a mini hospital for testing something. It was old and been left for years but everything inside was left. The soldiers notice test tubes and some kind of messed up experiments. Of course the garrison brought it all in for testing and to keep it out of others hands" Iverson started to explain as he looked to his lap, stopping as he became unsure how to carry on.

"The scientists carried on with the research that was found, the higher ups wanted to know what the stuff was. So, with caution they kept testing it and well they thought it was new type of drug for the sick so they" Krollia carried on with a small frown as she looked over the backs seat over Matt head.

"So they tested it on a living person" Shiro finished guessing how it went and Krollia nodded.

"But that wasn't all, you see dad or Mr Sam Holt was one of the people sent to collect all the stuff from the camp and notice its name. He found some files and did some digging. He notice some blood tests in the files from when he took us to the hospital ... he did some more digging and notice five children with the same blood results. He found three other children with a different type of blood results that was added in the files. So eight children seemed to have been infected with the stuff and five blended with the infection making it one with their blood and becoming something else. The other three, it mixed within their blood but it didnt form together with them as one" Matt explained as he looked to his sister.

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