Chapter 17.

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"Where is the others" Pidge frowned as they stood at the top of the main wooden stairs, they were gonna head over and check the left single hall since they didnt hear Shiro or Hunk yet but didnt want to head over if something happened. After all Lance and Shay should be at the bottom of the steps but they weren't and they only had one half to do. 

"I dont know but I'm not getting a give feeling while we stand in the open like this" Keith replied with worry as he glanced over the side of the stairs once more to check if the others were at the bottom but they still weren't. 

"Lets check the other hall, something might have happened but we wont know unless we check. If we finish checking the rest of upstairs and found no signs of them then we head down" Pidge spoke up as she looked to Keith. 

"Sounds good to me" Keith sighed and gripped his katana handle more as they headed down towards the other hallway. 

"Just stay close" Pidge mutter slightly scared as she gripped her tomahawk as they entered the hall more.

"Only if you stay close" Keith mumbled back stepping a little closer to her.

"Dont tell the others" Pidge asked with a weak smile.

"Dont tell the others" Keith agreed as they stayed walking in the more darker looking hall that seemed rather creepy all of a sudden.

As Pidge and Keith reached the first door Hunk and Shiro was in the middle of silently freaking out by the nursery doors.

"Toddler zombies, does god hate us that much" Hunk cried out as quite as he could while they stood outside the double doors that held a room of nursery children inside that were fully zombies just waiting to get out.

"Calm down ... we need to warn the others" Shiro replied as he placed a hand on Hunk shoulder trying to clam him.

"But they could be god knows where" Hunk mumbled and Shiro glanced to the wooden push open doors that was the only thing keeping them and the zombies apart.

"Look, if someone makes a noise that catches their ears then they be rushing out like a storm. We have no chance but if we get the others and get them to the car ... we have a chance of not dying by toddler zombies" Shiro explained as he looked back to hunk.

"Y-your right, how should we find the others" Hunk asked with worry.

"We split up, one goes the other end of the school to Shay and Lance and the other goes upstairs for Keith and Pidge" Shiro replied as he removed his hand looking back to the wooden doors.

"I dont like that Idea, going around on our owns ... what if something happens or someone missed a zombie" Hunk mutter with fear.

"Hunk, we dont have time to freak out. We need to find the others and get the hell out of it. Now you go towards Shay and Lance ... here take the keys to the jeep and we meet you there. Pidge should have the spare key to the jeep meaning we can still get inside if we reach it first. Wait a good ten minutes if you reach the jeep first and we do the same" Shiro ordered as he passed the key over. 

"Be careful" Hunk warned before jogging away and Shiro just gave an unsure nod before taking a deep breath.

Shiro slowly turned back to the nursery doors once more, seeing a short small table clearly for reception years children to sit around. He walked over picking the table up before placing it silently before the door. He knew it wouldnt last long but at least hearing the table fall as the sixty nursery children pushed against the doors to hunt. Shiro froze as a zombie was looking at him in the small window of the door, he stayed still not daring to move knowing toddler zombies only go for things that move ... they leave the still ones thinking they dead. 

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