Chapter 13.

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"Shiro" Pidge yelled out in panic as an old tank was parked in the middle of the road clearly able to make damage to the two in the front of the car if crashed at the speeding they were doing.

"Hold on" Shiro called out as he turned the steering wheel while smashing on the breaks trying to not smash into the tank or be rammed in by the car chasing them. 

"Shit" Keith hissed as he pulled his arms up to protect his head since he was sitting in the feet area, he felt glanced up as he felt something sofa be thrown over him and found it to be a blanket. 

"Katie" Shiro voice yelled out with fear and then everything went dark for the group. 

They crashed sided ways into the tank before having the car chasing them soon drive into the side of them. Yells and groans of pain filling the air before silence fell and they all sat either in shock or injured. All coming in and out of consciousness as the other people walked towards the door.

"N-no" Pidge weakly called out as she barely opened her eyes feeling Shiro door be pulling up and feeling his seatbelt before undone by a stranger.

"Urg" Shiro grunted as someone tried pulling him out the car.

"L-let him go" Pidge growled slightly reaching her hand out and grabbing shiro top with the strongest grip she could.

"get of me" Shiro barely spoke as he weakly fought back the accident slowing down his body as it was ready to pass out.

"Takashi" Pidge cried as she felt his body go limp but didnt let go off his top making them pull her with him before something hard hit the back of her head making her go limp, her head laying on the edge of the driver seat and her arm reached out of the car begging for him to return as darkness filled around her. 

Hours passed and pidge slowly opened her eyes with a pained groan leaving her lips. She looked to see a cloudy sky before slowly sitting up wincing in pain. She lifted a hand to her head feeling a square plaster and closing her eyes as sharp pain filled her body before she remembered everything. Panic rose in her body and she quickly looked around finding herself on the side of a road, seeing the others sitting by a fire but no Shiro.

"Pidgin" Lance smiled in relief at seeing her walking over, a plaster on her left forehead, a bandage around her left arm she used as a shield as the window smashed over her and a cut cheek as the glass caught her. 

"W-where is he" Pidge asked with fear in her eyes as she looked to the group, no longer caring over her bruising body. 

"Sit down and rest, your in shock" Shay slightly smiled trying to keep the other girl calm.

"I need to know" Pidge demanded with a slight growl in her voice as she glared to the poor kind girl making her huddle closer to Hunk.

"They got him and left us to die, It seemed once they had him in the car they dragged us out of the berlingo too and left us in the road before stealing the car and all our supplies. They left us to the zombies" Keith replied clearly angry himself and not wanting to play the nice game when it clear Pidge wasn't in the mood either.

"Me and Keith was the first awake and woke Lance up since he didnt seem too badly hurt before carrying you girls further down road knowing Zombies would be attracted to the blood left by the crash. Once Shay woke up Lance and Keith walked ahead finding an old house and got medical kit for us. We all mostly ok with just little busies but you had it worse. We were worried when you woke it be as a zombie not as you" Hunk explained with a small smile as Pidge looked to the ground. 

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