Chapter 30.

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"So, I'm the one who just been the news of us being lab rats as children while you two and shiro already knew yet why did you seem more sadder then me, Allura and even more sadder then hunk after we got told the news during our meal" Lance asked as he sat beside Pidge on the cold grass nearby the factory entrance that was closest to their given wall. 

"Who says I seem sad" Pidge mutter as she looked to the sky feeling Keith sit on the other side of her looking up the shy to see the stars with her.

"You seemed ready to cry in the car after Matt told us about a certain five who wont turn into a zombie even if bitten ... what do you know" Keith replied as he glanced to her.

"Keith think about when Matt talked about a certain five not be able to get infected becuase we already are. Think about it ... think about how he said, the emotions on his face and what he stared at when he told us they wouldnt get infected even if bitten" Pidge spoke in a weak voice as she turned to Keith with teary eyes.

"Do you know what five" Lance asked with worry not sure if he wants to know.

"Its obvious what five, lance think about the order of names and how he told us about the eight children. How he explained the two groups, those who are one with the virus and those who can handle a little of it but doesn't fully bond. How did he say everyone names and how did he half our names while never speaking of what group they may be in" Pidge explained as she turned to Lance before turning to the stars as the two thought about it.

"Wait ... You dont mean that" Keith started to say in shock as he looked to Pidge who lowered her head.

"I asked Matt, since me and him got checked over first. I pulled him to the side pretending I was tighten his kimono belt but I was actually asking him if I was correct. He told me the five names and I knew he wasn't lie since I know his tell if he does lie" Pidge spoke in a weak voice trying to not bread down.

"Its me, you, Keith, Hunk and" Lance mumbled as he remembered the five names Matt made to seem slightly more important.

"And Shiro" Pidge chocked out as tears fell from her eyes.

"You didnt know Pidge" Keith frowned as he turned to her.

"No I didnt but neither did I wait to see the infection reactions ... I just chopped his arm off without even checking him over fully. They always tell you to wait twelve seconds to see for a reaction in case the person holds a cure but I just cut his arm off out of my own selfish fear" Pidge cried out and Keith wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Dont blame yourself for Shiro arm, we didnt know and if you did wait those twelve minutes then the infection would have travelled past just his arm .... we would have had to kill him but you gave him a chance to live" Lance argue back as he pulled her glasses off as they fogged up placing them in his pocket before joining the hug trying to help calm the girl.

"But he wouldnt have, he immune and I just cut his arm off ... He could be standing here still with both arms without ever having to feel the pain of losing a limb. The pain of never feeling with his right arm again. I took that from him" Pidge cried out, hate for herself clear in her voice.

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