Chapter 1.

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"and her brother" A doctor with a low harsh voice asked as he stood looking threw the two way mirror at the small group of children that sat playing. 

"Another fail, it seems these five are the only ones who bonded with the virus. The other three all turned up as failed" Another doctor spoke making the first frown.

"I see well at least these five seemed to pass and thankfully accepted the virus with their blood. I want a close eye on them for the next twenty four hours" The first doctor replied as he looked to a certain two children. 

"Yes sir, what should we do when the weeks end, I'm sure the parents might notice something different with their children and some might even try and tell their parents" The second doctor asked with worry.

"dont worry, we make sure the children wouldnt remember a thing and well their parents wouldnt even notice after all they sent their children here for the two weeks break" The first doctor grinned and listed as the other doctor walked away. 

"You two are truly going to be the future, I've never dreamed of finding those who would match so well and become one with the virus like you two. Such a shame I couldn't keep you both to myself but dont worry, we meet again one day" The doctor smirked as he looked to the two children that sat away from the other three. 

Inside the small play room that held the other two way mirror sat five small children. One that was dressed In blue was napping beside another boy dressed in yellow. A boy dressed in red sat playing with a small bike toy on the carpet. While a boy in black and a little girl in a light green dress sat sitting beside each other with a picture book. 

"shi" The little one year old girl smiled brightly as she pointed to a picture of the lion while looking at the older boy beside her.

"Its a lion .. Katie" The little four year old boy smiled as he looked to the little girl.

"lion" Katie giggled making the boy laugh at her slightly.

"yeah a lion" the boy smiled and did a small roar making Katie giggle.

"roar" Katie replied and did actions with her small hands. 

"oh no, you got me" the little boy grinned and acted dead making Katie panic.

"Shi" Katie called desperately and pulled on his top.

"dont worry, I'm ok Katie" the little boy smiled and ruffle her long hazel hair. 

"I-I shi" Katie cried.

"I always be here Katie" the little boy smiled sweetly and hugged the smaller girl.

"always" Katie asked cutely.

"I always protect you" The little boy smiled and Katie kissed his cheek. 

"Shiro, read" the little three year old boy in red smiled as he ran over holding another picture book.

"Keith, I'm looking with Katie" Shiro the little boy in black smiled slightly as he glanced to the other little boy.

"keef" Katie cheered making the boy smiled and wobble over before sitting on the other side of the little girl.

"can I join" Keith asked and Katie nodded with a bright smile. 

"Katie likes the lions" Shiro smiled as he let the book lay on Katie lap so all three could see. 

The three was soon disturbed as the other two boys slowly woke up and wobble over to the three wondering what they were doing. 

"We reading" Keith mumbled as he stayed looking at the picture book. 

"wanna join lance and hunk" Shiro asked with a kind smile.

"yes please" Hunk the three year old boy in yellow replied shyly.

"toeter" Katie giggled making the others smile since she couldn't say the word correctly.

"together" Lance the three year old boy in blue smiled and sat with them. 

"Shi" Katie sleepily mutter as she rested her head on shiro shoulder.

"Sleepy Katie" Shiro asked as he placed his small arm around the girl and she nodded before cuddling up closer.

Soon the five all slowly drifted to sleep all huddle up together and stayed sleeping until the door opened showing three other children. The slightly older children looked at the younger sleeping ones and smiled before walking over to the chairs.

"should we wake them" a five year old allura asked with a sweet smile as she dangle her legs from the chair.

"nah, sis doesn't sleep much anyway" a four year old matt grinned as he looked to allura.

"I wonder why we weren't allowed back in until now" A five year old lotor frowned and looked to the sleeping five. 

Fifteen years passed and the poor children had no memory of what happened to them during their young years. Neither had memories but sometimes a dream would flash into their minds only for their parents to tell it was a nightmare. 

Now stood a young sixteen year old, her long soft hazel hair swaying in the wind as her bright pretty hazel eyes filled with horror at the sight before her. Her cute freckles that covered her cheeks and nose now hid under a smug of blood, her mother blood and her dogs blood. A red metal bat held by her pale skin small hands. 

Zombie apocalypse

That was what's going on right now in the her home city and on her street. 

Rain pouring down as humans turned into monsters just eating the flesh off others and either killing them or turning them into zombies. 

She was grateful that she ordered her metal bat just a couple weeks ago since it just saved her life and ended her mother suffering off being a zombie. She was grateful it was painted red so she couldn't see the blood stains upon it. 

But she was mostly grateful it was raining becuase now she could hide her tears in the rain as she cried her heart out. Falling to her knees like zombies didnt fill her street attacking others who was trying to win back in hopes of living another day. 

Her vision was blurred from the rain and tears but she notice a figure come towards her, she wondered if it was a living person or just a zombie. She wasn't sure who she wished it to be, did she want to become infected or live in hell until she turned.

She felt strong warm arms pull her close like she was their life force.

They held her close and protectively, making her feel safer then ever.

"Katie" He whispered in her ear in a gentle voice making her melt into him more just by him calling her name.  

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