Chapter 41.

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That perfect moment as they stood behind the glass doors, staring to the stars.

Well actually Shiro was looking to the stars while Pidge stared at him just admiring how handsome and how perfect he just seemed to be. 

She knew what she had to do, she couldn't just keep playing the long game anymore and was ready, taking a deep shaky breath before closing her eyes not brave enough to see his reaction when she says the eight letters, the three words she been dying to say.

Her mouth opened slightly ready to speak, her glasses in her hand wanting to do this as Katie not as Pidge, his partner during the end of the world. 

She knew Pidge and Katie was the same but she found her brother, she didn't need to hide her fear or emotions behind glasses anymore and she wanted Shiro to be the one to see her no longer hide behind a mask not while he stood beside her. 

"Shiro I" She started to say, her nerves rising up within her body but she was going to say it, she had to and just as she was making the biggest jump in her life ... Fate decided to step in.

"Oh, thank god you two didn't lock the doors yet. I just noticed I left the baby back in the Jeep .. we been borrowing Paulo stuff but we want to check what in the bag and maybe go to 'Mother Care' again to make a new bag up for Axle ... why are you glaring at me" Matt started to ramble slightly as he came to a running stop beside Shiro who had his back turned to Pidge now not seeing her glare towards his brother.

"I truly hate you  right now" Pidge frowned, sticking the glasses back on as Shiro started to turn to her.

"What did I do .. God I thought you were meant to be past your rebel teens. I'll just grab the bag" Matt mumbled before stepping outside. 

"Is everything ok" Shiro asked, concern in his voice and eyes as he looked to her, disappointed over missing her without the glasses.

"Matt just ruined it" Pidge whispered under her breath glancing up to see Shiro still staring at her.

"I'm fine, just for a headache and Matt voice is loud .. I'm gonna head to bed" Pidge sighed as she started to walk. 

"Will you be ok, I can bring you some water once Matt returns inside" Shiro asked and Pidge shook her head.

"I'll be fine" Pidge answered and kept walking noticing almost everyone doors were open a creak meaning they just listened in on the failed moment. 

"Achoo" Matt sneezed and had a awful shiver down his back not knowing that almost everyone was cursing his name right now for ruining it. 

That was how last night went for Pidge, the one time she was finally got take what she wanted and her brother destroyed that chance of a night sky filled with shining stars confessing. 

Pidge did not say a single word to her brother all day and Keith explained it to his boyfriend when Matt really started to panic after almost before stabbed by his sister when he went to tease her over crushing on Shiro. Matt decided it may have been a good idea to not go near her for the next couple days and avoid her for the rest of the day. 

It wasnt hard for Matt to keep a distance because Pidge volunteered to check out the doctors in the town they went to yesterday. After not seeing any zombies yesterday they decided only a couple people needed to go and Pidge grabbed the jeep keys straight away just wanting to get away from the hotel and everyone pity eyes. 

She started the jeep up, her bat in its holder on the back seats, her butterfly knife in her pocket and Shiro beside her ... yes Shiro volunteered to go with Pidge after noticing her being down. A awkward silence car ride later and they arrived, both walking in with their weapons in hand just in case before going to the second floor, it was only a two floor building and the first floor was just a waiting room with storages rooms near the bag. 

"Hey Pidge" Shiro called out as they stood in the second hallway that seemed to lead to the check up rooms.

"Yeah" Pidge sighed as she kept walking not seeing him stopped.

"D-Did something happen" Shiro asked making her stop walking and glanced over her shoulder.

"Nothing happened" Pidge frowned, since really nothing at all happened unlike what she wanted. 

"Something wrong, I know you and I know it must be bad when you can't even fake smile to hide your pain" Shiro answered as he walked over to her, stopping just inches away. 

"Can we not do this please" Pidge begged slightly lowering her head a little.

"Why can't you just tell me what happened, when did we start no longer trusting the other with out problems, our fears and our secrets. Every time I look towards you lately, your always with one of the others guys just talking but you don't seem to talk to me anymore .. Did I do something or am I no longer good enough to stand beside you .. to catch you when you fall" Shiro spoke up, hurt in his voice as he looked to her. 

"Good Enough ... Shiro your the one person I want to stand with for the rest of my life but your the one who moved on. Whenever we can time to just be Katie and Takashi .. I always find you with Allura" Pidge snapped back lifting her head, anger in her eyes.

"I told you .. she means nothing to me" Shiro yelled back before turning away hating that he just yelled at her.

"Then what about me .. Do I mean something to you" Pidge asked in a small voice, Shiro turning to her in surprise.

"You mean everything to me" Shiro answered without even needing to think.

"As do you" Pidge whispered, her eyes just looking at him like they have since day one. 

"Katie" Shiro muttered as he left his axe leaning against the wall lifting his robot hand to her cheek and filling tears fill his eyes as she leaned into his cold robot touch like it was still a human hand in her eyes.

"Takashi, I love you" Pidge smiled warmly, her voice soft and delicate and he slipping his human hand to her cheek before pushing her glasses up to the top of her head.

"And I have always loved you Katie" Shiro replied in a warm voice before leaning down joining their lips for a sweet kiss, his eyes closing as she deepen the kiss. 

Her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands fell down to her hips pulling her closer, filling warmth fill his body until he felt like he was on fire but he loved how she made him feel with a single kiss. 

His eyes slowly opened as they pulled away for air, watching as her own eyes slowly opened showing the love in them that he held for  her. A slight giggle leaving her lips as they just stayed looking to the other, warm smiles on their lips and love sick faces like a stupid romance movie.

"The words and I promise to always be yours" She whispered, their chests still pushed together as they held the other.

"Peanut butter cookies" He grinned like an idiot hearing her laugh before they leaned into another kiss, a promise to always be together even in the end of the world.

After all they were Fated partners in the End. 

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