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As you wake up, you hear birds chirping while your eyes are still closed

Y/N "Jihyo?"

Y/N "Jihyo??"
Still silence..

[Jihyo POV]
I hope Y/N will be okay..
I need to go to JYP to go check up with my members.

??? "Jihyo?"
Huh, is that Y/N? Oh! Maybe she finally woke up..
As I slowly start walking back to my bedroom, I see Y/N with her eyes closed for a second.

Y/N "Jihyo? Where ar-"
Y/N places her hand out of the bed without knowing.

Jihyo "Y/N!"
I run to Y/N before she falls and catch her.
Jihyo "Are you okay?"

[End of POV]

Jihyo "Are you okay?"
I open my eyes revealing Jihyo in front of me.
Y/N "Uh..Y-yeah i'm fine.."

Jihyo "Watch what you're doing next time..You're pretty dumb for keeping your eyes closed.."

Y/N "But I was..Hey? Jihyo? Where are you going?"
Jihyo "Uh..I'm going somewhere."
Y/N "Where's somewhere?"

Jihyo "Uh..Do you know the Girl group called TWICE?"

Y/N "..."
Jihyo "Y/N?"
Y/N "..."
Jihyo "Y/N."

Y/N "Oh..Sorry I was trying to remember if I know that group or not."
Jihyo "Oh, okay..So do you know?"

Y/N "Uh..I don't know."
Jihyo "Oh..Uh..It's a 9 member girl group including me..But, sadly you're not allowed to go inside with me so you're going to have to stay here..By yourself.."

Y/N "W-what?"
Jihyo "I'm sorry, Y/N."

Y/N "But you can't leave me."
Jihyo "..Y/N, I need to go..I'm getting late."
Y/N "B-but I..I just came from the hospital two days..ago.."

Jihyo "Y/N..Act your age..I know you can take care of yourself."
Y/N "J-Jihyo...I-I-"

Jihyo places her hand on your shoulder to make you stop talking

Jihyo "You stutter too much, Y/N calm down..You'll fine..Okay?"

She smiles and let's go of you
Jihyo "I'll see you la-"
You see Jihyo stand there frozen

[Jihyo POV]

I just remembered..What my brother told me..

Jehin "Remember, Jihyo..You need to bring Y/N wherever you go.."
Jihyo "But what about my grou-"

Jehin "Look, Jihyo. You're from TWICE..They will understand..You got that?! Hm?"
Jihyo "Ahh..Big brother please don't talk to me like that.."

Jehin "Don't tell me what to do okay? This is for
Y/N's safety. Okay?"
My big Brother was talking really fast

Jehin "And you better- (Fast gibberish)"
Jihyo "Okay, okay, okay!!..I understand.."
Jehin "Okay..Good now..Go I have a patient to take care of."

Jihyo "Goodbye, Brother."
Jehin "Bye, Jihyo"
He smiles as he exits the room.

[End of POV]

You see her turn around
Jihyo "You know what? I change my mind..Haha.."
Y/N "Uh..Okay..But aren't you going to be late? I'm not ready.."
Jihyo "Uh..You're right..Uhm here take my jacket brush your teeth..And uh..Fix your hair in the car."
Y/N "I know, I know..Jihyo you act like i'm not of age to take care of myself.."

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now