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Haaah..Living in Canada..I miss this place.
It's been a year and I don't feel like leaving this place.

I never talked to any of the TWICE members hoping they would forget me.
I also got tattoos too!

I got three.

A pink petal on my wrist a smiley face on my neck and an exclamation mark on my arm.
Ahhh how painful the needles are..BUT WORTH IT HAHAHA..haaa..No..

I even cut my hair too! And..It looks not too bad..I guess?

Don't worry, I got permission to cut my hair!Ah

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Don't worry, I got permission to cut my hair!
Ah..I'm never leaving Canada. EVER.

I met new friends. Mark Lee, Ana, and of course, Soomin! He came back to Canada after hearing the news. He told his girlfriend. YES. Girlfriend. THE Min Soomin. Girlfriend? HAH! Hilarious.

Anyways, He told his girlfriend to watch over his grandparents while he's out.
He's going back to Korea in 2 days so...Bye?

Oh yeah! Ana! She's at school right now but it wouldn't hurt to talk about her.

So she's 17. She's currently a Senior. She's planning to do psychology at college which is nice..I guess.

It's kinda hard to lie to her..And..She's REALLY pretty! Like REALLY REALLY.
I did gain some weight..But I got fitter! I'm not really thinking of leaving Canada..I want to stay a little longer..Mark Lee. Hah THE Mark Lee. I really have nothing to say about him. He's a really cool guy to hang out with. That's it.

-Kim Y/N

I close my book and look outside.

I hear a girls voice.
As I look back, I see a girl with blond hair.
Oh, it's just Ana.

Y/N "Hey."
I give her a small smile and I raise my hand.

Ana "We've been looking for you..You just got mail from JYP entertainment."
Y/N "Ah..Really? I'll go check."

As I stand up Ana's already far away for me..Aish..Why is she so fast?

[Time Skip]

As I look at the paper, I feel my heart sunk.

Kim Y/N. It's been a year now since you have started your hiatus how have you been? You told us many times that you feel better, so we think that in 3 days you should resume on your singing career.

As my smile fades, Ana pats my shoulder.

Ana "It'll be fine."
Y/N "Yeah..But I don't want to go back.."

"You need to."
My eyes widen as I look up.

Soomin looks at you crossing his arms leaning against the wall.
He furrows his eyebrows as he looks at you.

Y/N "Yah..Soomin..You know..Jihyo? TWICE?"
Soomin "Look, Y/N, you need to tell the truth. I know it was Mai."

Y/N "How?"
Soomin "She made it so obvious..Sigh."
Soomin facepalms and hisses.

Soomin "That's it. You're coming with me going back to Korea."

Soomin "If you don't, I won't drive you to your favorite restaurant."

Y/N "Ugh..Fine."
Soomin "Plus, your singing career?"

I throw my pillow at Soomin while Ana laughs.

"Hey, what's going on?"
I look over and see Mark walking down the stairs.

Y/N "Ah..Mark."
Soomin "Tell her to come with me.."

Y/N "Yah, I said i'm coming with!"
Soomin "Uhm, you only said that because of food!"
Y/N "We-"

Mark "Shut up! This is serious."
I smiles.

Mark "Y/N, you really need to go. Your career is on the line."
Y/N "UGH. Fine."

[Jihyo POV]

We're currently doing a fan meet today.

I wonder if there's going to be interesting ONCE.
After that, I might hang out with Daniel.

I see a guy with a scar on his chin.

Jihyo "Omo..Are you okay?"
ONCE "Y-Yeah."

Jihyo "Okay, good. What's your name?"
ONCE "Tommy."

Jihyo "Where are you from?"
Tommy "Australia."

Jihyo "Oh..I wish I can go to Australia."
Tommy "Oh..Haha..Jihyo can I ask you a question?"
Jihyo "Sure, go ahead."

Tommy "I was the guy..With Kim Y/N.."
Jihyo "What?"

Tommy "The reason why I was there was because I was with a group of friends talking bout how I wish to meet Kim Y/N. And then this random girl dragged me to an alley way. My friends couldn't catch up."

Jihyo "Are you serious?"
Tommy "Yes, yes I am. You see, the girl dragged me to the alley way that leads to the JYP building."

Tommy look up at me dead in the eye.
Tommy "Kim Y/N is not a murderer."

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