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I look down on Jihyo.

Looking at me lovingly with her cheeks all red.
I caress her cheek and finally break the silence.

Y/N "So..What are you going to do about Daniel?"
Jihyo "About that..I don't really know."

Jihyo leans into you and pecks your nose.
Jihyo "Let's just keep it a secret for now shall we?"

Jihyo smirks as she looks at you.

[The next day]

I wake up next to Jihyo.
Looks like I was too lazy to go back to my dorm last night..
Well, I am all the time.
This is basically my 2nd dorm now.

I get up and yawn.

I feel something grabs onto my arm.
I fall back on bed.

Jihyo "Ahh..Y/N stay.."
Y/N "J-Jihyo-"

Jihyo "Please?"
Jihyo pouts while giving you puppy eyes.

I mean, who can say no to Park Jihyo?
I chuckle and pat her head.

Jihyo "You're so cute.."
Y/N "You're cuter."

I smile as her face turns red.
I lean in and start to kiss her passionately.

We break the kiss as I wipe my lips.
Y/N "I really need to go now, Jihyo. You know i'm having my comeback in 1 month.."

Jihyo "Yah..You didn't tell me.."
Jihyo pouts as she lets go of your arm.

As you walk out, you start to hear sniffles. You turn around and see Jihyo facing the other side.

I run to her side and pat her shoulder.
Y/N "Yah..Jihyo are you okay?"

Y/N "Jihyo?"
Y/N "Jihyoooo..?"

I see her turn around giving me a wide smile.
Jihyo "Hah!"
Y/N "Tsk. Jihyooo..."

As I whine, Jihyo pulls you in for a hug.

Hm..I take a hold of her hair.
Sniff sniff sniff

Jihyo "Are you..Smelling my hair..?"
Y/N "N-N-No! I-I'm just..S-Smelling your hair! F-fuck.."

Jihyo slaps your shoulder and looks at you.
I furrow my eyebrows looking at Jihyo
Y/N "What was that for?"
Jihyo "No cussing!"

I sigh and stand up.
Y/N "I need to go now."

I walk to the door and twist the door knob.
I walk out the building to wait for the van to come.

Huh? I look over to the call.

"Please! Someone call the police!"
I drop my phone and start jogging to the area.

[Jihyo POV]
I look out the window to see Y/N.
She's so pretty..She's perfect.

I rest my arm as I stare at her.
What is Y/N doing? Why she looking at that alley way?

Wait! She dropped her phone!

I stand up to go put on my jacket and my mask.
I jog out my room and grab Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies arm.

Nayeon "Y-Yah! Park Jihyo! What do you think you're doing!"
Jeongyeon "Park Jihyo!"

Jihyo "There's something going on with Y/N."
Me and my unnies run outside.

I pick up Y/N's phone and start to run to the same direction.


Y/N "Hello?!"
I yell hearing my own echo.

"Please! I don't want to die!"

I run to the left and see a man. He's laying on with back.

I look over and see a girl with a black cap and a black mask holding onto a knife.

"If I kill you, no one will destroy my Y/N."

I widen my eyes. How does that girl know my name?
N-No way..
I back up as I look at my hands.

The girl looks up.

I clench my first ready to throw a punch.
"Hit me and you'll get the knife."

I freeze on my position.
Y/N "W-Who are you?! What do you think you're doing?!"

You see the girl lifting up her cap.
I widen my eyes by the view.
I-It's Mai! But what is she doing?

No wonder why she's been in my dorm.
I start sweat with the view of her holding a knife.

Mai puns you to the wall and shush(s) you with her index finger.

Mai "If you hold onto this knife, i'll leave you alone. Forever."
Y/N "Y-You're crazy! Are you insane!"

Mai "I'll hurt myself for you so shut up and listen to me, Kim Y/N!"
You see Mai cutting her finger and she cups your face.

Mai "Hold the knife for me baby."
I take a hold of the knife and push her to the cold concrete.

Y/N "You're insane!"

[Jihyo POV]
"You're insane!"

That voice. It's Y/N.

I jog my way to the voice not caring if Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie falls behind. I just want to see my baby safe and sound.

I peek at the wall. I widen my eyes.


Mai "Tell me, Y/N. Are you and Jihyo dating? I will be furious if you guys are. And maybe..Just maybe. I'll KILL you."
I gulp at her words.

I don't want to die. Not yet.

I look down and look back at her
"S-She's nothing to me! I-I..She's just a friend!"


I look over to the call.
Y/N "J-Jihyo?"

Jihyo "G-Go away! You monster! I knew it! You never loved me!"

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