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As the person opens the door, the mysterious person turns out to be...


You're walking home after 3rd grade class.
You feel someone kick your shoe and so you look back

You see a little girl with bangs and short hair wearing a pink flower shirt with a light blue skirt.

She looks really scared and hopeless too.

Y/N "Hi!"
??? "Hi..I'm looking for my mommy but..I can't find her anywhere."

Y/N "Really? Uh..I don't really know what to do."

I shrug my shoulders to the girl.

The girl starts crying.
??? "I'll never find my mommy!"
The girl cries so more.

Y/N "I'll help you in one condition!"
??? "H-huh..?"
Y/N "You'll be my friend!"

I smile and give out a hand.
??? "Deal!"
The younger girls gives you a hand shake.

You and the girl started to walk around looking for the younger girls mom.

[1 hour later]

You guys never found the girls mom. It's already 5:48 and you guys are still not home.

Y/N "Hey, why won't you stay at my place for tonight! I know the way."
??? "R-Really?"

As you look at her, she starts to sniffle
??? "O-Ok.."

[Time skip]
Y/N "Mom! I'm-"
I see the lights on in the kitchen and walk in

Y/N "Mom?"
Oh! She's not here..

I wonder what brother Daniel is doing then.
I walk up to his room.

Oh..He's sleeping.
I walk back downstairs revealing the little girl.

Y/N "Let's go inside my room so we can play!"
??? "Ok!"

You and the little girl walk upstairs to your room.

Y/N "So..What happened? Why were you..quote on quote lost?"

??? "My mommy told me to close my eyes because she has a surprise for me and so I did..A-And she was holding onto my hand while I was closing my eyes. And she told me to open them after she says 1, 2, 3. After she said 3, I opened my eyes but I couldn't feel my mommy's touch anymore. I looked back and mommy's car was gone..And so I found you."

Y/N "Oh..I don't what that is but i'm sure we'll find your mom!"
??? "You think so?"
Y/N "Yeah! Anything for a friend."

??? "Thank you..You're so nice!"
Y/N "Anyways, you never told me your name..What is it?"

??? "Oh! My name is Maira call me Mai for short."
Y/N "Oh! Hi, Mai i'm Y/N!"

Mai "Nice to meet you, Y/N."

[End of flashback]

As the door opens, mysterious person turns out to be Mai!

Y/N "Mai?"
Mai "Y/N!"

You jump off the bed and hug Mai leaving Jihyo confused.

Mai "Dude, Y/N you heard right?"
Y/N "How did you get here?"

Mai "Aki told me, but you heard right?"
Y/N "What happened?"

Mai "Soomin's back in Korea!"
Y/N "Soomin? No way.."
Jihyo walks over.

Jihyo "What going on?"
Y/N "My friend just came back to Korea!"
Jihyo "Oh? Who?"

Y/N "Soomin! He lived in Canada."
Jihyo "Ah..Also, who's this?"
Jihyo points at the girl you're hugging.

Y/N "Oh..Haha..This my friend."
Jihyo "Ah..I see."

Mai "Hello?- OH MY GOD."
Mai covers her mouth with both of her hands

Mai "Y-Y/N..I know you're a kpop idol b-but..IS THAT PARK JIHYO?"
Mai grabs my shoulders and start to shake me.

Y/N "U-Uh..Yeah?"
Mai "O-Oh mY gOd..Y-y/N i tHinK iM goInG tO pAss oUt.."
Y/N "Please don't Mai.."

I let out a chuckle.
Jihyo "Y/N, you should probably drive her back home.."

Y/N "Ah..I see.."
Suddenly Mai raises her head..Dramatically

Y/N "O-Okay.."

Jihyo "This might be weird, Mai but..What are you?"
Mai "Ah..My Mom's Hawaiian and my Dad's Korean."

Jihyo "So..Where are they?"

As soon as Jihyo asks that question, Mai looks down and remains silent.

Y/N "Let's not talk about that.."
Jihyo looks at you.

Jihyo "Ah..I see."
Mai looks up and smiles.

Mai "Y/N..Why won't you just take me to your dorm? I feel pretty tired.."
Y/N "Okay.."

Y/N "I'll be right back, Jihyo."
You and Mai walk out the room and head towards your dorm.

[Time skip]

You unlock your door and lead Mai to your bed.

Y/N "Here. If you need anything then call me."
Mai "Ok."

I smile and Mai
Y/N "Bye, Mai."
Mai "Bye."

I walk out the room and go to Jihyo.

[Time Skip]

You're laying down on Jihyo's lap while on your phone

Jihyo "So..Mama?"
Y/N "Yeah? What about it?"
I raise my eyebrow while looking at her.

Jihyo "How about you? You think you'll be alright being all by yourself?"

Y/N "Ji..I've been on stage more than once now i'll be fine."

Jihyo furrows her eyebrows.
Jihyo "You sure?"
Y/N "Yes..I'll be-"

Jihyo leans and kisses your forehead.

Y/N "Thank you."
Jihyo leans in closer to kiss your lips.

Jihyo "Coming!"
We both get up to go see the other members.

Dahyun "Oh, Y/N? You're still here?"
Jeongyeon "Pshh..Yeah didn't you hear them? It was clear they had good se-"
Jihyo pinches Jeongs shoulder giving the taller girl a whimper.

Sana "Guys! Look!"
Momo says with a boyish tone.

My stomach grumbles.

I..Want food..

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