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I slouch as I walk over to TWICE's dorm.

I knock at I see the door slowly open.
Sana "Good morning, Y/N! How are you?"
Y/N "I'm doing fine."
I force a smile at Sana as I continue walking to Jihyo's room.

Dahyun "Good morning, Y/N."
Dahyun looks over as she smiles at me.

I nod my head
Y/N "Morning, Dahyun-ah."
I reach for the door knob to Jihyo's room.
I open the door.

You see Jihyo sitting on her bed while on her phone.
I give her a dry cough.

She jolts up as she looks at you.
Jihyo "Y/N! You're here!"
Y/N "Uh..Yeah..Why did you call?"

Jihyo "Oh..I just wanted you to be here..That's all."
Y/N "Oh, that's ni-"

Ding Ding!
I reach my phone seeing a text message from Soomin.

Hey Y/N i just wanted to say that mai is here 😎

is she doing well
well idk lol

Now's not the time to joke around Min Soomin.
ok ok sorry

she woke up !! :0

really ??? call me

[Suemom would like to call]

I quickly answer.
Y/N "Mai! Are you there?!"
I say in panic.

Soomin "Y/N, calm down."
"Where am I?"

I hear a very soft voice.
Y/N "Mai!"
I look over at the screen.

Soomin "Mai, don't move."
Mai "Soomin?! Wha-[coughs]"

Soomin "Y/N i'll be right back!"

[Call ended]
I stare at my screen as I put down my phone.

I look over at Jihyo.
Jihyo "What happened?"
Y/N "She woke up."

Jihyo "Who?"
Y/N "Mai."
Jihyo "Oh really? That's nice."

Jihyo looks down on her phone raising her eyebrows.
Y/N "So..What now.."
Jihyo "Come here Y/N~"

Jihyo extends her arm calling for you with a pouting face.

I sigh as I grab her wrist.
I sit down right next to her staring at her.

Jihyo "Let's kiss."
Y/N "W-Wha-"

Jihyo covers your mouth which makes my whole entire face red.
Jihyo "Please, Y/N?"

I grab her hand.
Y/N "What?! N-No!"
I look down to the floor with a red face.

Jihyo "You're red, Y/N."
Y/N "Get yourself together, Jihyo. My best friend just woke up and this is what you do?"

Jihyo "Fine, fine..Sorry.."
Y/N "It's ok.."

I quickly get up leaving the room.
Ugh..That was so awkward..

Anyways do you guys think Mai and Soomin's cute together
(Remember Soomin has a girlfriend)

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