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I slowly grabs her chin.
Y/N "If you can kiss my cousin..Then you can kiss me, right?"

Jihyo "But you said it wouldn't work out.."
Y/N "I know..But i'm.."

I look down feeling my cheeks heat up.
Y/N "I'm..A bit.."

Y/N "Jealous.."
I mumble.
Jihyo "I heard you, Y/N."

She smiles as she holds onto my shoulder.
Jihyo "Look at me."

I look at her as she gives me a smirk.
She pushes you down on the bed making her top.

She grabs onto your collar crashing her lips with yours.
You quickly kiss back holding onto her waist.

She bites your bottom lip and she slips her tongue in.
The kiss was so passionate that Jihyo started moaning.

I slip my hand under her shirt feeling her skin.
Jihyo breaks the kiss looking at you biting her lip.

I look at her and realizes what she meant.
I grab her shirt slowly lifting it.

Jihyo stands up and removes her pants.
I can't stop staring at her undergarments.
I blush as I see her looking at me smirking.

Jihyo "Let's try something else..I'll be right back."
Jihyo takes her blanket and wraps herself with it leaving the room.

After 3 minutes, Jihyo walks in smirking.
Y/N "What is it..?"

Jihyo takes off her blanket.
I look over at her hand.

I widen my eyes.
Okay where the hell did she get that dildo strap.
Jihyo giggles.

Jihyo "Stand up."
I obey her orders as she soon straps it on me.

Y/N "J-Jihyo..W-What the f-"
Jihyo "Sh.."

Jihyo smirks as she makes you lay back down.
Jihyo "You wanted this, right?"

I breathe heavily looking at her body.
Y/N "Please..Not too much.."

Jihyo "Of course.."
Jihyo stands up starting to pull her underwear down until..

knock knock!

Jihyo quickly jumps on the bed covering our body with a blanket making snore noises.

After a couple of seconds, you hear footsteps going away.

Y/N "Jihyo."
I pat her head.

Jihyo "Let's continue."
Y/N "What?"

Jihyo "Let's. Continue."
Jihyo looks at you eyes full of determination.

Y/N "No, Jihyo.."
Jihyo "Why.."

Jihyo pouts.
You look down trying to ignore her melons.

Y/N "Another day..Please.."
Jihyo "Why not now.."

Someone yells as they walk out the dorm.

Y/N "Guess everyone left you."
Jihyo "Great let's continue."

Y/N "Wha- Jihyo! Not now-"
Jihyo covers your mouth with her hand as she slowly pulls down her underwear.

I softly bite Jihyo's hand.
Y/N "Yah! Jihyo what's wrong with you?"

Jihyo "Please..Y/N.."
Y/N "Hm..?"

Jihyo "I need your body right now.."
Jihyo takes your wrist and places it on her thigh.

Y/N "J-Jihyo."
I try to get up.
All of a sudden, I freeze.

I look down.
Shoot, I forgot that I have this stupid dildo thing on..
It wiggles as I look down on it.

Y/N "Jihyo I- Woah!"
Jihyo pushes you down to the bed while inserting the dildo in.

Y/N "J-Jihyo wHAT tHE fUCKKKKKKK!!!!!"
I scream as my voice starts to crack.

Jihyo "A-Ah..Y/N."
I widen my eyes.

My cheeks start to burn.
I hide my face trying to ignore the view of this kind of Jihyo.
What the hell..I can feel her thighs hitting me every single time..It hURTS.

Wait why isn't it in sync anymore..
I look at it.
Jihyo's hand was zipping my pants up.
I look at her other hand.


(k enough messing around)

I hold onto Jihyo's waist as I try to hold in my moans.
Jihyo "Y-Y/N.."

I try to take the controller away from her back she was too fast for me. Because of that, she raised a bit more making all my moans to come out.

The wave of pleasure was hitting me and I couldn't handle it.
Y/N "J-Jihyo..Ah- Stop t-this.."
Jihyo ignores your words as she starts to dive into your neck giving you marks.

Jihyo "Y-Y/N! I'm G-Gonna-"
Jihyo didn't even finish her sentence. Jihyo let's it out as she leans onto your shoulder.

I grab the controller and turn it off.
Y/N "That was..Too much, Park Jihyo.."

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