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Tzuyu "Unnie..It's okay.."
Tzuyu pats my shoulder.

Jihyo "Why am I so stupid? I forgot that Y/N's back here.."
Jihyo "But she cut her hair? Jesus..I'm so dumb.."

Nayeon "I mean..You're not wrong.."
Momo "Unnie..How's not the time to joke around. This is serious."

Dahyun "What are you even going to do, Jihyo-unnie now that you know that it wasn't her doing the dirty work?"

Jihyo "We need to call that Mai girl in. And call the police."
Jeongyeon "Yeah, but what is the proof that it's actually her?"

Jihyo "Her phone."


I walk down to the cafeteria where I can have time to myself.

I sip on my coffee while adoring the view outside.

Ahhh...The sunset looks really pretty right now..
To think of it, I kinda do miss Korea..

I spit out my coffee.

Y/N "Y-Ye-"
I turn around.

God. It's her. Again.
Jihyo looks at me with a serious expression.

Jihyo "Ah..I knew it..It's you."
I scoff
Y/N "What do you want?"

Jihyo "Can we-"
Y/N "Look, Jihyo."

I cut off Jihyo and look at her with a cold stare and a cold tone.
Y/N "I have no intention of being with you ever again."

Jihyo "Jesus, Y/N! Can I just see your phone!"
Y/N "Why?"

Jihyo "Because.."
Y/N "Because...?"

Jihyo bites her lip trying to find the words.
Jihyo "Because..I finally..Some- The guy that was with you..Uh- He told me..That it wasn't you.."

Jihyo "I'm sorry.."
I laugh coldly.

Y/N "Tch. Why do you need my phone."
Jihyo "Because...When you dropped your phone, I picked it up and recorded the conversation. I'm turning Mai in..And your phone is the proof. Just let me see it."

Y/N "Why won't you just let Pd-Nim deal with this?"
Jihyo "If he finds out the reason why you went on hiatus..I'm scared people would think of you the wrong way..So please trust me, Kim Y/N."

Y/N "Fine. Here."
I hand her my phone.

Huh. She still remembers my password.

Jihyo opens an app and presses a recording.

"You're insane!"
"Tell me, Y/N. Are you and Jihyo dating? I will be furious if you guys are. And maybe..Just maybe. I'll KILL you."
"S-She's nothing to me! I-I..She's just a friend!"

Jihyo pauses the recording and looks back at me.
Jihyo "Again, i'm sorry.."

Y/N "You don't need to call her in. If she visits, i'll just simply call the police."

Jihyo "A-Alright."
Jihyo gives you your phone and she leans into you slowly closing her eyes.

You push her away as you back up a little.
Y/N "W-Woah.."
The atmosphere immediately turns awkward as we both stare at each other.

I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Jihyo standing there as I leave the room.

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now