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Jihyo "I-i'm sorry..What?"
Y/N "Jihyo..I said i'm sorry..I don't like you back.."

Jihyo "Then why would you kiss me back, you pabo!"
Y/N "Look..I'm sor-"
Jihyo "I broke up with Daniel because I loved you! And now you don't love me back?"

Y/N "Jihyo..Think about it..We've only known each other for 4 days.."

Nayeon "Woah! What's with all the screaming!"
Me and Jihyo remain silent

Jihyo "Unnie..I.."
Y/N "Jihyo's just mad because of Daniel and she exploded because of me trying to comfort her.."

Nayeon "Oh..Wow..Jihyo keep a hold of yourself..I expect silence for tonight..Bye."
Nayeon leaves the room

Jihyo "Why did you lie to Nayeon-unnie?"
Y/N "Look..I don't want them to know that you like me, okay?"

Jihyo "Why..Look..I'm going to sleep.."
Y/N "Goodnight.."

Jihyo lays down and doesn't wait for you

You lay down right next to her
I don't know why but..I feel so guilty..I go over to her to hug her back.

Jihyo "Y/N...I'm trying to sleep.."
You don't answer and drift off

[The next day]

You see Jihyo wake up

After a couple of seconds, Jihyo looks over to you and starts to stand up and leave the room.

Sheesh..I shouldn't have rejected her..

[13 minutes]

You're still laying down but you're looking at the ceiling with your arm on your face blocking your vision

Jihyo "Are you ready, Y/N."

You hear that familiar smooth low voice

Y/N "Yes, Jihyo."
Jihyo "Let's go."

As you stand up, Jihyo was completely silent.
(If you're wondering what was going on, remember there was a storm. So Y/N is going back to her apartment to go pick up her phone.)

[Time skip]

As we make it to the front of my apartment, You and Jihyo walk up stairs until you reach the 3rd floor you enter the code for your room

Y/N "Stay here."
Jihyo stays silent but she obeys your command

You go over to your bed seeing your phone.

You hear footsteps coming your way

??? "Y/N!"
Y/N "Huh?"

??? "I missed you so much!"
Y/N "Who is this?"

??? "It's me! Aki big tiddy."

Y/N "Shut up, Aki."
Aki still hugs you

[Jihyo POV]

I stand there thinking about last night I had with
I hear footsteps

??? "Excuse me."
A tall-ish pretty girl with the same skin color as Dahyun with long black hair walking pass me.

??? "Y/N!"
Y/N "Huh?"

??? "I missed you so much!"

I see the girl hugging Y/N tight
I just stand there watching the girl hugging Y/N
just a little bit of jealousy and anger.

??? "It's me, Aki big tiddy!"
Y/N "Shut up, Aki."

[End of POV]


Aki still hugs me until I try to stop her by grabbing her hand

Y/N "Chill, Aki..I'm just here to get my pho-"
Aki hugs you again

Y/N "Aki! My phone!"

Aki "Oh, sorry.."
I grab my phone checking the missed calls and text messages

Aki "Say, wanna go-"
She gasps

Aki "Y-Y/N.."
Y/N "Hm?"

Aki "I-It's Park Jihyo..FROM TWICE EEEE!"
Y/N "Yeah..and?"

Aki "And? They're like one of the best groups in the world!"
Jihyo smiles

Aki "Oh my god..Jihyo just noticed me..Y/N..Is this a dream?"
Y/N "No.."

Aki "Y/N is she like your new Girlfriend! Please I want to be an auntie!"
Y/N "Can you quit talking so loud? And.."
You look at Jihyo then back at Aki

Y/N "No..We're not..Together."

Y/N "Bye..Aki."

I push Aki out of the room and grab Jihyo's wrist

Y/N "I'm sorry, Jihyo."

Jihyo "You never told me you have Once friends.."
Y/N "I thought it wouldn't matter?"

You look around
Y/N "Ah..There it is."

You go to the corner and take out your guitar

Jihyo "You never told me you play the guitar."
Y/N "I haven't played since I was 11."

Jihyo "Oh? What else do you play?"
Y/N "I played string instruments and the piano."

Jihyo "Oh..I see.."
Y/N "Well..Bye."

Jihyo "What?"
Y/N "I'm staying here now, right?"

Jihyo "Oh..Yeah..My number.."
Y/N "Yeah.."

Jihyo "Here give me your phone..I'll give you my number.."

You give Jihyo your phone and after 1 minute you get your phone back.

Jihyo "Goodbye, Y/N..It was nice..Being with you.."
Y/N "Wait."

Jihyo turns around and you surprise her with a hug
you feel a hand pushing you away.

Jihyo "No.."
She looks at you and turns around and starts to walk away.

Well then..Fuck.

[Time skip]

It's been a week since I haven't been with Jihyo.
Jihyo was on my mind all week

You look at your phone

akismalltits: Y/N can u go get me some cereal plsss we ran out
                                                            Why me ;-;  Y/N
akismalltits: because tyty ily bestie BYE
                             akismalltits active
                                  2 seconds ago

You hear another ding! You open twitter

Whyy~ TT Dahyun-ah~ Momo-unnie~ you eat cereal too much please save my soul~~

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Whyy~ TT Dahyun-ah~ Momo-unnie~ you eat cereal too much please save my soul~~


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