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I turn around.

Y/N "Hm?"
I look down revealing Jihyo.

Y/N "W-What the fuck? Stop following me!"
I suddenly turn red looking down not letting Jihyo seeing my face.

Jihyo "I just.."
Jihyo sighs.

Jihyo "I followed you and I heard a loud thud..Are you okay?"
Y/N "Why are you following me?"

Jihyo "B-Because.."
Jihyo let's put a nervous chuckle.

Y/N "Yeah...I suppose i'm fine."
I grab my door knob and twist it opening my door.

Y/N "By-"
Jihyo "Let me be with you."

Y/N "Hm?"
Jihyo "Since you're injured, let me take care of you."

I furrow my eyebrows.
Y/N "Uh, no thanks I can take care of myself."
Jihyo "Please?"

Jihyo pouts trying to get my attention.
I sigh out of frustration.

Y/N "Ugh, fine come in."
I signal Jihyo to go in my room."

Y/N "I'm gonna sleep don't bother me."
I slowly walk towards my room.

As I open the door, I feel someone back hug me.

Hah..This fool.
I grab Jihyo's hands and lower it down to my lower half and grab her leg.

Jihyo falls as I make my escape to the bed.
Jihyo "You pabo!"
I look at her with no expression.

I slightly let out a chuckle with a t i n y smirk on my face.
I put my crutches down as I slowly lay on the bed.

Jihyo "Let me help you."
Y/N "Uh, you're not."

Jihyo walks over to you and lifts up your leg.
Y/N "I said-"
I look over.

Oh..God what did I see..
I feel my cheeks getting red as I look away.

Jihyo was wearing a tank top and I can clearly see the...Ahem..You know..
Jihyo "You okay there?"

Jihyo puts your blanket on you.
Y/N "Y-Yeah i'm fine.."
Jihyo "Are you sure?"

Jihyo smirks as she walks to the other side of the bed.

Jihyo crawls to you and lays down next to you while looking at the ceiling.
Jihyo "So.."

Jihyo coughs as we both remain silent.
Jihyo "So..How was Canada?"

Y/N "Why do you want to know?"
Jihyo "I just want to know.."

I sigh.
Y/N "Can I be honest with you, Jihyo?"
Jihyo "Sure!"

She looks over at you with a smile on her face.
Y/N "Look, I really lost feelings for you..I really did..And it's awkward now since..You're my ex so..Please just.."

Jihyo places her hand on top of yours.
Jihyo "I haven't."

I look over.
Jihyo "I haven't lost feelings. Ever since I figured out the truth."

I look down.
Y/N "Hah..You don't know how much a hate you.."

I can feel Jihyo's shaky breath as I look away.
Jihyo "I won't stop."
Y/N "I'm aware."
We continue to remain silent

after 2 minutes, Jihyo breaks the silence.
Jihyo "Oh, Y/N..You don't know how much I love you. I miss you so much..I miss everything about you.."

I remain silent as I look at the ceiling.
I look at the other side and close my eyes letting myself doze off.

[Jihyo POV]

Y/N's fast asleep..I wonder if she really does..
If she really loves me still..

I crawl on top of her and kiss her forehead as I hug onto her waist.

I doze off to sleep feeling her breath on my neck.

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