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First off, happy birthday to our precious bunny, nayeonnnn!!!
nayeon "stfu y/n"

As me and Jihyo turn, we see Daniel waving at us with one hand in his pocket.

Full on Deja Vu right here.
I grab Jihyos hand making her jump.

She turns to look at you furrowing her eyebrows.
Y/N "Let's go, Jihyo."
Jihyo "What wh-"

I cover her mouth as I lean closer to her.
I wishper.

Y/N "Because I don't want to lose you."
Jihyo "What are you talking about? Y-Y/N!"

I make a run for it, still holding onto Jihyo's small soft hands.
Jihyo "Y/N, let go this instant!"
I get out her keys out of her pocket and force her to hold onto it.

Y/N "What's going on with me.."
I mumble.

Jihyo "Why? Why do you want to go now?"
Y/N "I can't bare to see that Daniel."
Jihyo "What? You jealous~?"

Jihyo raises her eyebrows tapping your elbow with hers.

Y/N "N-No! I'm n-not!"
I look down feeling my cheeks heat up.

Jihyo let's out a sigh as she opens the door car.
Jihyo "Let's go then."

As we start driving I can see Jihyo just looking at the road focusing on driving. I wonder what's on her mind..

[Jihyo POV]

Why did Y/N grab my hand so suddenly?
This girl is confusing sometimes..

I kinda like it..

I also think she has feelings for me again..I don't know..

I sigh look at the mirror, catching Y/N looking straight at me.

I chuckle looking back at the road.

[Time Skip]


I plop on my bed.

Today has been a busy day..

First me, Momo, Nayeon, and Mina went out to the mall.

Then, me and Nayeon went to go get food for her birthday.
I visited Soomin's grandparents and soon went alone to the hospital to meet Mai.

Sadly, she doesn't really remember me that much anymore..
It's currently 12:37 P.M

Ding Ding!
I look over at my phone closing my book that I was writing on, opening my phone.

Hey, Y/N~ wanna sleep over ??? :)))


sure ig

I close my phone standing up turning off the lights, making my way to TWICE's dorm knocking.

I make my way to Jihyo's room as she finds me standing.
Jihyo "You're here.."

She slowly walks over hugging your waist and she leans her head on your shoulder.

I grab onto her shoulders forcing her to stop hugging me.
Y/N "Let's just go to sleep.."
I let out a yawn as I rub my eyes.

Jihyo "I will, if you let me sing to you."
Y/N "W-What?"

Jihyo "You heard me, Y/N."
She grabs both of my hands leading me to her bed.

We both sit facing each other.
Jihyo "Now, close your eyes and lay down while I sing, okay?"
I finally give in nodding my head.

(Yes lol i made this)
(If you wanna listen to it then put it under your pillow)

Jihyo starts to pat your head as she sings making you calm.

[Time Skip]

She's about to end her song, I guess.
I start to feel a bit drowsy.
I slowly lower my eyelids until you feel soft pair of lips touch your forehead.

You watch her get up turning off the lights walking towards the bed again laying on the other side of the bed, back hugging you making your heart race.

I still love you..
I close my eyes drifting off the sleep.

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now