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You and TWICE finished eating.

You're currently hanging out with the girls.

In 30 minutes, you will go back to your dorm.
As you stand up to get a drink, You feel and hand touching your shoulder.

Y/N "Yes?"
I turn around revealing Nayeon.

Nayeon "Can we talk later?"
Y/N "Uh..Yeah? How about right now? I'm leaving in 30 minutes."
Nayeon "Yeah..That's fine."

I look at Jihyo and mouth "I'll be right back."
Me and Nayeon walk to her dorm.

Nayeon "Y/N.."
Y/N "What's the matter?"

Nayeon "I just want to know.."
Y/N "Know what?"
Nayeon "If you and Jihyo had uh..Yeah that."

Y/N "Hm.."
I place my hand on my chin

Y/N "Yeah? Why?"
Nayeon "Y/N..You two need to be careful..The room isn't soundproof..Me Jeongyeon, Mina, and Dahyun heard it."

Y/N "Really?"
Nayeon "Yes..So you need to be more careful."
I nod at her order and wait for her if she was going to talk some more.

Nayeon "Also, Y/N? We're having an interview tomorrow and 2 P.M so you and Jihyo can't make love tomorrow."
Nayeon winks.

Y/N "Aish..Stop that, Nayeon."
Nayeon "Alright..That was it..Lets go back."

Y/N "A-All right."

[Time Skip]

You and Nayeon walk back and see some of the members sleeping.

You look around and see Jihyo sitting down on the couch with her phone on her hand.

Y/N "What you doing?"
Jihyo "Ah.."

Y/N "Hm?"
Jihyo "You startled me.."
Y/N "Really? Hah."

I place my hand on her chin while holding onto her torso?
Y/N "I love you, Jihyo."
I smile.

Jihyo "Aish..I love you too.."
Y/N "Also, Nayeon-unnie said that you guys have an interview tomorrow."
Jihyo "Oh yeah..Man I forgot about that.."
Y/N "Huh."

Jihyo stares at you waiting for you to talk.
You catch her licking her lips as she moves in closer opening her mouth a bit.

You soon realize what she wants to do so you tuck her hair a bit and kiss her.

After 4 minutes, you and Jihyo finally stop kissing.


I look at my right and see some of the members looking at us.

Nayeon, Momo, Sana, And Chaeyoung.

Nayeon "If you guys really want to make out, don't do it here..PLEASE."
Jihyo let's put a chuckle

Jihyo "Sorry, Unnie."

Y/N "Ah why won't you look at the time. I got to go."

Jihyo "Ah alright."
Y/N "Bye, Jihyo."
Jihyo "Bye, Y/N."

You walk out the door.

You feel your phone vibrate.
You look at your screen and see that Mai is calling.

Y/N "Hello?"
Mai "Uh..Y/N? Hi?"

Y/N "Yeah? Hey what's up?"
Mai "Uh..Can you bring pads?"

Oh god

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