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I rub my eyes and blink once more.

It's Jennie Kim.
Jennie "I've heard lots about you! Don't you know Soomin?"
Y/N "How do you know him?"

I look at her suspiciously.
Jennie "He's my childhood friend."

Wait wut.

Jennie stares at me as she smiles.
Jennie "He told me to give this to you."

I raise my eyebrow looking at Jennie reaching for her pocket.
Y/N "What is it?"

Jennie shows her hand.
You look down at a starbucks card.

Jennie "He also wrote a little letter."

I take it as I start to read.

Hey~ it's soomin and like sorry about the starbucks thing i heard that Mai got arrested :[
anyways, have fun Y/N.

I smile and as I put away the paper.
Jennie "I'm gonna go now."

Jennie places her hand and my shoulder smiling.
Jennie "I'm Jennie by the way."

Y/N "Wait.."
Jennie turns looking at you making a "Hm?" sound.

Y/N "Can you help me get to TWICE's dorm? I heard you're friends with Nayeon.."
Jennie "Oh! Uh..Sure! What happened?"

Y/N "I uh..Sprained my ankle.."
Jennie "Awh..I feel bad for you..Hope you get well soon.."

Jennie reaches out her hand.
I take a hold of it and try to stand up.

Jennie "Hold onto my shoulder, okay?"
I nod as I take a hold on her shoulder.

[Jihyo POV]

Where did Y/N go?
Ah..I can't with this girl sometimes..
I sit down o. my bed going on my phone.

As I sit, the door opens wide.
Jeongyeon "Hey, Jihyo-ah check who's coming in the dorm right now."

I look up.
Jihyo "Hah. I knew she would come back."
I jump as walk myself to the main door.

I open it as I see a hand popping out.
I smile looking at Y/N's face.

Wait..Who's that?
Jennie? What is she doing here?

I feel something hitting my heart.
Are they dating? Is that why she left?

I sigh looking down getting ready to leave.
Jennie "Jihyo!"

I look back seeing Jennie smiling.
Jennie "Do you have Y/N's crutches?"
Jihyo "Ah..Yes! Yes I do!"

Jennie "Ah okay..Oh yeah! How are you, Jihyo? Long time no see."
Jihyo "Ah yeah i'm doing great."

I leave the area walking to my room grabbing Y/N's crutches.
I walk back and give Y/N it.

Y/N "Thanks."
I smile.

Jihyo "You're welcome, Y/N."

Jennie "I better get going now."
Jihyo "Ah, okay!"

Jennie "Bye!"
Jihyo "Bye."

Y/N "Bye Jennie!"
I look over at her.

She's smiling.


I look at Jihyo.
Y/N "What's wrong."
I look at Jihyo with red cheeks.

Jihyo "Nothing..You better leave before Daniel comes over..."
Y/N "I'll be fine, Jihyo."
I pat her shoulder.

I look behind Jihyo.

Nayeon crosses her arms.
Nayeon "Can you take this somewhere else?"

Dahyun "And no SEX!"
Jeongyeon "Wait huh? They're dating?!"

Y/N "No.."
Jeongyeon "Hah! I won the bet, Nayeon-unnie! Gimme your monayyy!!"

Nayeon "Oh i'll give it to you."
Nayeon grabs Jeongyeons hand leading her to her room.

Chaeyoung "What is going on.."
Tzuyu "What are they doing?"

Jihyo "Aish..Nayeon being Nayeon.."
I hear a knock on the door.

I answer it seeing a guy with broad shoulders.

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