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Soomin "You know, Mai.."
I look over at Mai.

She's sitting on her hospital bed.
Mai "Yeah?"
Soomin "I missed you tons..And I have something to tell you.."

Mai "What is it?"
Soomin "I really like you..Will you go out with me?"
Mai "Soomin..I don't like you..I love you."
I look at Mai smiling.

Mai "We shall."
Mai takes my hand.
I whip out my phone texting Y/N.

[Aki and Daniel]

Aki "You know, Daniel?"
Daniel "What?"
Aki "I feel..Disappointed in myself..What I did to Mai, Y/N, and you?"

Daniel "I know..If I didn't have to agree with you, then I still would be with my Jihyo. But, my sister has her now. I'm proud of her."


"It all started in the hospital."

thank you so so so much from the bottom of my heart! i'm so happy to announce that my first ever book is done thank you to those who stocked with me in the making :)

you know who you are ;)

if i have time, i'll make a pt 2
thank you so much for reading! i'm so happy that my first book got over 1k reads! wow! thank you all so much.
- sexy author, bella

New book:
Heather (Dahyun x fem reader)

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now