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I enter in the Dance Studio revealing 2 choreographers and of course, JYP.

I saw 6 girls wearing a white polo shirt with black leather pants.

JYP "Alright, So for your performance, you will do Serendipity and then your title track, Eight."
Y/N "A-Alright!"

I form a fist with my hand.

Me and the girls walks into place and starts the music.
And of course, I need to sing while doing it.

[pretend the back up dancers are there 🙈]

As soon as you start to do the chorus you see 9 girls walk in. You see Jihyo looking at you up and down not expecting the part when you lift up your shirt.

[Jihyo POV]

Huh..Y/N's really good at dancing..OH MY GOD.

I see Y/N lifting up her shirt revealing her abs and a black sports bra.
For some reason her abs are like..Perfect..
I can imagine my self drooling by looking at her perfect body.

Why is she so fair skinned? It's so unfair..

Chaeyoung whispers to me.
"Did you see that, Unnie? She lifted her shirt. She's so fair skinned!"
Jihyo "Yeah..I know.."

We continue to watch her dance as she sings.

Ah god.
I can hear us fangirling because of the way she was grinding on the floor or like doing body rolls.

Wow this girl can dance.
I whisper to Momo unnie.
"Unnie..You should dance with her someday!"
Momo "If I get the chance.."


I finish Serendipity. I go sit down as I feel sweat on my face.. Man that song is a real tough one to do without feeling exhausted.. I don't know if I can keep up..

JYP "Get into your places! We're starting Eight!"

Ah finally..The song where I just choose to stand still or to walk around while the back up dancers dance in the back.

I just sing and sing and sing.
I take a look at Jihyo and my voice cracks because I can see her teary eyed.

After I finish the song, JYP walks over to me.
JYP "Okay, meet me in 2 hours in here. We will go out to start shooting your intro."
Y/N "A-Alright.."

JYP "Bye, Y/N."
Y/N "Bye."

You see him walk out. As you turn around, you can see the girl running towards you to give you a hug.

You drown.

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