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Jihyo breaks the kiss while looking at you.
Ugh I wish she didn't have to do that..

Jihyo "You're an idiot.."
Y/N "Hm?"

I look at her raising my eyebrow.
Jihyo "If you think it wouldn't work out then why would you kiss me after saying that?"
Y/N "I don't know.."

I look down.
Y/N "Goodnight, Jihyo."
As I slowly close my eyes, I feel a arm wrapping around my body.

Feeling the warmth of Jihyo's arm makes me really comfortable.

I quickly doze off and fall asleep.

[Time Skip]

As I slowly open my eyes, I hear someone humming.
Weird..Jihyo's arm is still on me..Who's in the room right now.

As I slowly get up, I feel something hitting the wall.
My eyes open at the speed of light as I adjust my vision.
Y/N "Ugh..Nayeon-unnie knock-"
I widen my eyes.

Y/N "Mai?"
I see the crazy girl sitting on a white chair with eye bags.

Mai had a huge smile on her face leaning on her hand staring at you.
As I look at the wall, I see a knife sticking out.

Y/N "What do you want?"
Mai doesn't answer as she still stares.

I yell at the top of my lungs.

Jihyo soon jolts up.
The door opens.

As I take a look, I see the rest of the TWICE members looking over.

Y/N "Tzuyu, Nayeon, Momo pin her."
They obey my orders.

Huh..I expected a move from Mai but she just sat there still looking at me as Nayeon, Tzuyu, and Momo pin her down.

Y/N "Chaeyoung-ah call the cops."
Jihyo taps your shoulder.

Jihyo "What are you gonna tell the cops?"
Y/N "I'm just gonna say that she tried killing us and like..She broke in.."
I say with a tired voice.

Jihyo "What about the voice recording on your phone."
Y/N "I'm not going to use that."

Jihyo "What? Why? Use your head, Kim Y/N."
Y/N "Ugh..Jihyo she's not wearing any gloves. She was holding onto that knife and look at her eye bags."

Jihyo looks over and nods.

[Time Skip]

As the cops walk in, they quickly take a hold of Mai and arrest her as the other cop takes the knife from the wall.

They walk her out of the apartment.
As we follow the cops, Mai still wouldn't break eye contact.

What's with her..?
As they lead her to the car she finally moves and whispers in your ear.

Mai "Do you think i'm Mai? Did I do a good job acting as her?"
I look at her with a confused look.

Mai gives me a huge smile as she laughs in a creepy way.

The cops finally force her in the car as she stares at you.

Soon you hear footsteps behind you.

You turn around and see the TWICE staff members including Pd-nim himself.

JYP "What happened here?"
Y/N "An over obsessive fan tried to stab me with a knife."

JYP "This is ridiculous..We need extra staff members for you."
As I look over, Pd-nim touches his temples as he walks away. The staff members follow.

Jihyo "So..Mai's arrested..Happy ending, right?"
Y/N "No.."

Jihyo looks at me raising her eyebrows wondering what I was talking about.

Y/N "I don't think that's Mai.."

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now