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[short chapter]

2 Years later.....

"Hello and welcome back to our show! Profile idol!" (idk lmao)

"Today, We have these 9 beautiful ladies, TWICE!"

The 9 ladies wave to the camera.

"Let's do youngest to oldest! But since Jihyo is the leader, she'll be the last one."


"And lastly, our wonderful leader, Jihyo!"
"Yes! Hello i'm Jihyo from TWICE!"

"Tell me, since you and the members are allowed to date, are you currently in a relationship?"

"Well..Yes..Yes I am! He's the most handsome and nicest man in the whole world!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Is that all? I heard that you are sexually attracted to both female and male! Tell me, who were you interested in?"

"Well..I met this one girl..But..She left..I really miss-"

I turn off the TV.

God what have I missed..I missed so much..
I stand up to go look at myself.

Kim Y/N..No..Kang Ha-Yoon..What happened? Why are you like this? Why do you always have to damage yourself?

I sigh and lay back down

Knock Knock~

Y/N "Leave."

??? "Y/N~ It's me!"

That familiar voice..That deep smooth voice..No way..

The door opens revealing..Uh..What's her name again? A guy? He's very tall with big eyes and brown hair.

I read his tag:

Jehin Park


??? "Y/N..Do you remember me?"
Y/N "Uhm..I don't..Know.."

??? "Do you know Park Jihyo?"
Y/N "Who's that? My cousin? Aunt?"

The handsome guy laughs for a bit then turns back to being serious

??? "I'm her elder brother..Park Jehin. Don't you remember me?"

Y/N "No.."
Jehin "Then we have a lot of work to do."

??? "May I come in?"

Jehin "Yes."

I hear the door creak

Jehin "Y/N..This is Park.."

You see the door open

Aki "H-hey.."

You see a beautiful girl with very light skin with long black hair.

Y/N "Uh..Hi."

Aki "I'm Aki. And you are?"
Y/N "Oh..I'm Kang Ha-Yoon."

Aki "Oh..I thought your name was Kim Y/N?"
Y/N "O-oh.."

Jehin "She wanted to visit you."

Y/N "Did I lose memory or something?"
Jehin "Yes."

Y/N "So..Then who's she?"

Jehin "She said she's your girlfriend."

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now