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KD "Y/N?"

KD "Why would I leave you? I'm your cousin!"
Y/N "You're not my cousin."

KD "What? You're crazy. Y/N, i'm your cousin."
Y/N "No need to tell lies, br-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I feel a hand touching me.

I see a girl with big eyes and long hair.

??? "Let's go."
Y/N "I'm sorry..I don't know yo-"

??? "Let's just go."
Y/N "Uh-"

The girl pulls you. Even though you're taller she's way more stronger than you.

??? "Y/N.."
Y/N "How do you know my name?"'

??? "Y/N please don't leave me again.."
The girl hugs you but then you push her away

Y/N "I'm sorry, ma'am but..I don't know you."
??? "Y/N! Dude not funny! It's me, Jihyo! Park Jihyo!"

Y/N "Huh? I'm sorry bu-"

And just like that, the girl hold onto you collar and pushes you into her lips.

You push away again.

Y/N "Hey! What was that for!?"
Jihyo "Okay, Y/N..Do you not remember me? Like..Seriously?"

Y/N "I'm sorry, but I don't know you."

Jihyo "Let me try again."

Jihyo ties up her hair and pins you to the wall.

She looks straight into your eyes.

Y/N "W-what are you d-doing.."
Jihyo "You-"

As soon as she can finish talking, Doctor Jehin walks in.

Jehin "You're absolutely useless without your big brother, huh?"
Jihyo "Brother!"

Jehin "Ya..Don't talk to me like that! Don't do that to Y/N who's older than you."

Jihyo "Yes, Brother.."

Jehin and Jihyo walk out.

You touch your face. Do I really know her?

[2 weeks later]

That girl Jihyo..

You hear a knock.
Jihyo walks over to the door to reveal a big man smiling he looks pretty buff..He looks like he's in his 40's. Hah, funny.. When he's smiling his eyes looks closed..

??? "Y/N! I've been looking forward til this day."

Jihyo "Y/N, this is JYP."
JYP "Y/N, you know how to sing?"

Y/N "Uh..I guess."
JYP "Do you play any instruments?"

Y/N "I play string instruments and the piano?"
JYP "How about dance?"

Y/N "I'm not so sure about that.."
JYP "Well, once you're released i'll send Jihyo here to take you to the building to audition."

Y/N "Audition? Wait..I didn't sign up for this!"
Jihyo "Yes you did."

Jihyo winks at you.

JYP "I'll see you later, Y/N."

The JYP guy thing leaves the room.

I sigh then look at Jihyo

Y/N "Jihyo..What did you do.."
Jihyo "You said before that you wanted to audition~"

Jihyo smirks making me red

Jihyo "Oh~ are you okay Y/N.."
Jihyo places her hand on your cheek

I grab Jihyo's hand and shove it away from my face
Y/N "I'm okay, Jihyo. Don't worry."

Jihyo "Y/N..Please you're never like this..You need to remember me, Y/N really.."

You look away then start to hear sniffles





Maybe i'm starting to remember things

Jihyo "Kim Y/N..Please remember...Y/N, remember when we went to the cafe? Remember when you went to the hospital? When you met the members of TWICE? When you went in my car? When you went to my house? And when you kiss-"

I can't hold it anymore.

I grab Jihyo's collar and push her into a kiss.

I lay her down on my bed and covered the windows and locked the door.

I slick my hair back while walking to Jihyo.

I lay on top of her heated body and start kissing her passionately again.

My hand roam around her body.

I go to her boobs and start to squeeze while my tongue enters in Jihyo's mouth.

I start to hear Jihyo's moans.

Very low smooth moans..

Jihyo "Mphf! Ah..Ah! Y-Y/N..P-please!!! D-don't stop!"

[To be continued ;)]

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