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I look over again to see if it was truly him.
I recognize him because of his clothes.

The huuuuge vintage lover.
There he stood with a light brown coat with a white polo shirt with cupped jeans.

Insane how he grew up. He got much more taller and handsome.

He's even using glasses now which is concerning.

He smiles as he lifts up his hand.
Oh how much I missed his sparkly smile with those deep dimples.

I looks at me waiting for my answer.
He soon scratches his nape and looks away.

"Are you..Kim Y/N?"

You feel Jihyo tapping your shoulder.
Jihyo "We should go..He could be a over obsessive fan."
I look at her and shake my head.

I open the door and get out.
Y/N "Are you by any chance..Min Soomin?"

I look over at him as he widens his eyes.
Soomin "It's me!"

He opens his arms.
You see a familiar fluffy thing.

Is that..Soomins Poodle? IS THAT THOMAS?!
I run to him opening my arms.
I ignore his arm and start to hug his Poodle, Thomas.

Soomin "Y-Y/N?"
Y/N "Ye- [Bark!] Yes?"

Soomin "Aren't you going to hug me?"
Y/N "Oh ah..Sorry but..I'm an idol..Don't you know that?"

Soomin "Oh yeah you are.."
I facepalms.

I sits down as he crosses his legs.
Y/N "So what brings you here?"

Soomin "Oh. I'm here because I moved here! And plus I need to watch over my grandparents."

He clicks as he stands up making him look down at you because of how tall he is.

Soomin "I gotta go, Y/N."
Y/N "B-By-"

Soomin ignores you by ruffling your hair while smiling.
Soomin "Bye~"

He walks away with Thomas behind him.
I smile watching him walk away.

Waiting for 2 years for Soomin to come back was amazing, but now I need to go get coffee with Jihyo.

I walk back in the car seeing Jihyo crossing her arms.
Jihyo "Who was that?"
I tilt my head.

Jihyo "Who. Was. That."
Jihyo says again with a cold tone.

Y/N "W-Woah..Jihyo..He's just a friend back at High School.."
Jihyo "Hmph. Then..Do you like him?"

Y/N "What? You must be ridiculous.."
I cross my arms looking back at Jihyo.

Jihyo "So, Do you?"
Y/N "What? Of course not! He's just a good friend!"

Jihyo "Haaah.."
Jihyo gets her keys and turns on the engine.

I hear a ding from my phone and open it.

Sue mom: Hey~ Y/N should i post this ?? 🥺

I look closely at the photo                                Hey isn't that ur grandmas couch ??

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I look closely at the photo
                                Hey isn't that ur grandmas couch ??

sue mom: ahahah maybe..
                             damnnnn that's been there for like so long..

sue mom: LMAO ikr
sue mom: anyways gtg i'm posting it. 
                                    ahhh icic okok imma go too bye~

I turn off my phone and look up at the window.

[Time Skip]
Me and Jihyo order our drinks as we sit down.
I hold Jihyo's hand and look at her.

She blushes looking into your eyes.
Strange, know one recognized us yet..

Our names get called and we rush outside to the car.
I drink my coffee as I watch Jihyo's side angle.

Y/N "You're beautiful, Jihyo."
Jihyo "Y-You think?"

Jihyo blushes while driving.

[Time Skip]
As we go out the car, we quickly enter in the building as we hold hands.

You hear footsteps coming your way as you stop walking.
You see Nayeon walking towards you.

Nayeon "Y/N. Pd-nim wants to talk to you."

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now