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Y/N "So..What's the matter?"
JYP "Look, Y/N..I think it's your time to start training to become an idol. And I have made my decision for you to go solo."

Y/N "R-really?! Wow!"
JYP "But first. You need to audition."
Y/N "Uh..I really don't have anything at the moment.."

JYP "I have instruments for you to borrow so you don't need to go to your apartment to get the things you need to audition."

Y/N "I-I see.."
JYP "You're audition will be tomorrow, Y/N."
Y/N "Okay i'll do my best!"

JYP "Right! Okay, i'll see you, Y/N."
Y/N "Goodbye."

I walk out the office and go back to TWICE's dorm.

As I enter, all the members stare at you.

Jeongyeon "So..What happened?"
Y/N "Uh..I'm auditioning tomorrow and If I pass that, then i'm going to start training to become a soloist."

Tzuyu "Good luck on your audition, Y/N."

Y/N "Th-Than- WOAH!"
Nayeon surprises you with a hug.

Y/N "N-Nayeon-unnie..I-I can't breathe.."
Nayeon let's go of you.

??? "Ahem."
I turn around and I see Jihyo staring at you.

Jihyo looks down and holds your hand

Jihyo "Y-Y/N..Can you meet me in my room?"
Y/N "Huh? What's the matter?"
Jihyo "Just go.."

Dahyun "Bye Y/N~"

All the girls giggle while leaving you and Jihyo alone.

Jihyo "Let's go."
Jihyo holds onto your hand and leads you to her room.

Y/N "Jihyo what's wrong?"
Jihyo "Look, Y/N..Can you just promise me..To love me?"

Y/N "Where did this all come from?"
Jihyo "Look, when you become an idol..You're not allowed to really see me that much anymore..And plus Daniel.."

Y/N "I-I know..And I promise..Look Ji-"
You get cut off by Jihyo cupping your cheeks kissing you.

You quickly answer her by kissing her back.

Jihyo snakes her arms around your neck while you hold onto her waist

Jihyo let's go and smirks.

Jihyo "Thank you, Y/N."
Jihyo "Pinky promise?"
Y/N "Pinky promise."

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now