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Y/N "J-Jihyo this isn't what it looks like! Jihyo-"
I take a step closer to her.

Jihyo "Try to touch me and i'll call the cops, Kang Ha-Yoon."
Shocked. Absolutely shocked. I have never heard Jihyo talking to cold to me in a very long time.

And she even used my real name.
Jihyo "Look, I know what you're trying to do. You have blood on your face. There's two people with you. It's obvious that you're planning to kill them."

You see her cross her arms.
Y/N "Hah."

Y/N "HAH..Mom was right..No one will love me."
I point at Jihyo furious.

Y/N "Listen, Park Jihyo. If something happens I don't give a fuck. Go fuck yourself."

Y/N "Since you don't believe me, then I don't think we were even meant to be."

I drop the knife furiously and grab Mai's collar.


Mai "Hah. Fuck you too."
Y/N "I wish I never met you and Aki."

I look over at the guy.
And sigh.

Y/N "Yah, Park Jihyo. Take him somewhere safe."
Jihyo scoffs and looks at you.

Jihyo "Do you think i'm stupid? You're-"

Jihyo stands there with a shocked face.

[Jihyo POV]
Strange. I never heard Y/N raise her voice before..This is new.

Half of me wants to turn her in. But..Ah..I don't know..

She has never called me by Park Jihyo too..Aish..What am I supposed to do?

[Y/N's POV]
I walk away bumping into Jihyo's shoulder.

I see Jeongyeon and Nayeon run after me. Did they follow Jihyo?

Nayeon starts to pant but she still talks to you.
Nayeon "Y/N! Are you okay?"

I walk away ignoring them.

I smile to myself.
All I need to do is hate myself so I can leave this place.

[1 week later]
I've been ignoring everyone. I'm waiting for JYP to call me. I asked if we can talk last night and he agreed to.

[Time skip]

I walk into JYP's office.

JYP "Ah..The star is here. Come sit."
Y/N "Ah. Hello, Pd-nim!"

JYP "Tell me, what is it that you want to tell me?"
Y/N "Oh yeah, about that. I've been feeling a bit down lately and I wondering if I can go on hiatus? And while i'm doing that I can go to Canada?"

JYP "Let's take you to a therapist shall we?"

[2 hours later]
I start to talk with the therapist.
Told them things about my past and many things.

After a couple of talking, I finally got the papers and showed it to Pd-nim.

JYP "Ah..This is bad..You have depression? And social anxiety? But why is that.."
Y/N "Ah..I've been thinking about my past recently.."

Pd-nim nods his head.
JYP "Alright..I'll take you to Canada in 3 weeks.."

[3 weeks later]
I pack my bags as I walk into the van. This is the time where the news spreads.

[Jihyo POV]

I'm sitting down on the couch looking at social media. A good thing I have someone to be with me now! And that's Daniel and I think I made the right decision.

Kim Y/N Kpop Soloist star on hiatus and is going to Canada.

Kim Y/N diagnosed with depression and Social Anxiety.

Will the news for Kim Y/N hit TWICE and other artists hard?

I widen my eyes.
Did she feel heartbroken? No.

She said I was just a friend.

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