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I took a sip of my coffee.

Tzuyu "Chaeyoung unnie's gay."
I spit out my coffee as I slowly choke.

Jihyo pats my back as I suffer.
Chaeyoung "Yah! Where did you get that from!"

Tzuyu "You..Never mind.."
I look away

I look at my phone.

Hey uhhh wanna collab?

Y/N ...What-

Yeah collab ㅋㅋㅋ

hmmmm i guess...I still hate you doe
hey i'm just helping you with your career.


I turn off my phone and let a long sigh come out.

Momo: "What's wrong, Y/N?"
Y/N "It's nothing, really..Daniel just wants to collab with me.."

I facepalm as I avoid contact with Jihyo.
Sana "So...You're saying-"
Mina "No..."

We look over at Mina.
Mina "What?"

Sana "Why did you say no?"
Mina "Sorry I was playing a game.."

Mina takes a good look at you up and down.
Mina "If you think you're okay with collab ing with your cousin, then..Go for it."

Y/N "If you say so.."

As I look down I feel a tug on my sleeve.
I look over at Jihyo with red cheeks.

Y/N "What happened..Ba-"
I clear my throat looking away for a second.

[Nayeon POV]

Yes! Y/N almost said baby! That means...SHES FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER AGAIN! HAHAH

I whisper in Jeongyeons ear.
Nayeon "I bet you 1,000 dollars, they're gonna get back together."

Jeongyeon "Better keep that bet. Mommy needs a new broom."
Nayeon "Mommy...?"


Y/N "What wrong?"

I look down on Jihyo.
Jihyo "Nothing..It's just that.."

Dahyun "Did you guys just forget that we're in Starbucks? Talk about it later. People might be listening."

Dahyun says with a cautious voice as she takes a look at her coffee that she really didn't drink.

Jeongyeon "We should go now."
Tzuyu "You're right, Unnie."

??? "Y/N!"

I look up scanning the whole room to find that familiar voice.

As I find the person, it turns out to be Soomin.
I whip out my phone with a cold face.

Ey dipshit you can't just say that out loud..you do know that i'm like famous?

okaayyyy my bad </3

let's talk about it later i got to go

but we saw each other :,(

dude we can just call tonight


I turn off my phone as I stand up.
The TWICE members follow my movement as we make our way out of the area.

[Time Skip]

Jihyo "Who was that?"
Jihyo taps your elbow.

Y/N "He's my friend."

I slowly close my eyelids as I drift off the sleep.

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now