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As the cops walk in, Jihyo takes a hold of your arm.

Y/N "J-Jihyo can you let go?!"
I whisper to her loudly.

Jihyo "But i'm scared.."
I sigh as I continue watching the cop opening the door.


The door finally opens.
You can't see anything it's just black and dusty.
The cop opens his flashlight.

This light shows the dust as we watch him walk.

[Time Skip]

After 13 minutes of waiting, the cop runs back holding onto a girl bridal style.

She looked like a skeleton.

Is that Mai?
I think to myself.

I feel something tap my shoulder.
I look behind me seeing Soomin.

Soomin "Let's go."
I nod obeying his order.

Y/N "Jihyo-ah, let's go."
Jihyo "A-Alright.."

She takes a hold of my sleeve as we start to walk out of the house.

Guy "We'll take her to the hospital. You two girls go back and you."
The guy snaps his fingers pointing at Soomin.

Guy "Let's go."
Soomin nods as he walks into the car.


As me and Jihyo walk back in the dorms, Jihyo finally turns to talk to me.
Jihyo "Y/N..What are we going to do.."

Y/N "I..I don't know.."
I look down to my feet as we continue walking.

"What's with the sulking?"
I look up seeing Daniel.

Ugh..What's is he doing here again..

I walk past him as Jihyo stops hugging him.

My heart hurts. I just want to run away.
I start to fast my pace while walking away from the couple.

I stare at the floor walking to my room.
Augh..I can't with this..

Why is this such a mess right now? I can't even think straight..

Jihyo took a big toll on me..There's no way i'm going back..
Y/N "All this thinking got me tired.."

I groan slowly making my way to the bed.

I close my eyes and dose off.

[Time Skip]

"Y/N? Y/N! Y/N, wake up!"
I start to hear muffled voices.

I block it off as I close my eyes again.
"Wake up!"

I jolt my eyes open slowly falling off the bed.
I try to grab something to help me stop from falling.

I feel something like fabric as I grip onto it.
I look up seeing a girl.

I grip onto the collar of her shirt.
As I look up, I see Nayeon looking at me with a red face.

I quickly let go taking a seat on my bed.

Nayeon "Ahem. Jihyo wants to talk to you!"
Nayeon says as her voice cracks out of embarrassment.

I nod as I hold onto Nayeons shoulders.

Ugh, what does she want again?

 ☑️ My time Jihyo x Fem reader 🔞Where stories live. Discover now