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[optional- You can listen to the music while reading this chapter :)]

Warning: uwu chapter

I wake up the next day.

Today's the day!

I jump off my bed full of joy!
I see Dr. Jehin enter.

Y/N "Good-morning, Jehin-oppa."
Jehin "So you're ready to leave this place?"

Y/N "Absolutely!"
Jehin "Let's go."

Jehin leads me out of the room.

I see the JYP guy again.

JYP "You ready, Y/N?"
Y/N "Yup!"

[23 minutes later]

JYP "We're here!"
I unbuckle my car seat and jump off.

Y/N "Let's go!"

I run to the room.


Y/N "Chae?"

I stare at her for a second

I run to Chaeyoung and hug her

Chaeyoung "I'm so happy to see you here again!"
??? "Unnie..Please help.."
Chaeyoung "What is it, Tzuyu?"

Tzuyu "I need a cute short girl to reach the remote control for me.."
Chaeyoung "What did you do?"

Tzuyu "I dropped the remote control..It's under the couch."

Nows my time to escape!


I check my phone.

Jihoe: heyyyy Y/N u ready?

okok i'll wait for you lol

look at the photo i found lol

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look at the photo i found lol

this is what i feel towards you Y/N

                                                  Awww ty Jihyo :-) :Y/N

Ah! finally you answered :D
So are you thinking of actually auditioning for JYP?

Do you think you're going solo or in a group?

                                              I guess a group or smt :Y/N

Ahh I see

Anyways i'll see you later Y/N i hear momo screaming again

                                                                           bye~ :Y/N

Little did she know that i'm here.

Ah hah! There she is! I mean it's pretty obvious to tell who she is..I mean..Her boobs are so big that they are the first thing I see when she enters a room.

Y/N "Boo!"
Jihyo "Ah!"

Jihyo gets startled by your appearance.

Y/N "Heheh"
Jihyo "Yah..Why did you do that?"

Jihyo pouts.
Y/N "Aww..Don't do that, Jihyo..You're making me fall for you more~!"

I pat Jihyo's head.

Jihyo "Let's get ready."
Y/N "Alright!"

[Time skip]

You wear a lightly purple hoodie with a white bucket hat with baggy black pants.

You see Jihyo enter.
She's wearing a pink dress with..Converse?

Jihyo "Hm?"

Y/N "Y-You look.."
Jihyo "What is it, Y/N?"

Y/N "A-Amazing!!!! COME HUG ME!"
I run to Jihyo and hug her tightly.

Jihyo "Le-lets go.."
Y/N "Oh, yeah. Let's go."

[Time skip]

We arrive at the park.

Many pink petals are already on the ground and some flying around.

Looking at the view is quite beautiful including Jihyo in front of me.

I look at her and she looks at me back

Jihyo "Y/N?"
Y/N "Yeah?"

Jihyo "Take a picture of me."
Y/N "A-All right.."

I take a picture of Jihyo with her hands in front of her cupped together. Legs together with her gummy smile.

In the picture, there are petals falling but one ended up on top of her head which is pretty cute.

Y/N "I'm keeping this~!"
Jihyo "Ah, go ahead i'm not stopping you."

Jihyo laughs.

Then, suddenly Jihyo grabs your shoulder and bites it.

Y/N "J-Jihyo..What are you doing?"
Jihyo "Hah. I do that to my members!"

Y/N "I-I see.."

Jihyo "Aww..Y/N's blushing~"

Y/N "I'm s-sorry.."
Jihyo "Haha! Don't be! I like you~"

Jihyo tip toes and taps your forehead

She smiles while you blush.
Y/N "I like you too."

Okay okay..Y/N you have 3 options.
1) tap her forehead back
2) tap her nose
3) or head butt her forehead the fuck out of it


Let's go for 3.

I hit my head with hers.

Jihyo "Y-Y/N!"
I smile widely with my eyes closed still with red cheeks.

I open my eyes and see Jihyo wide-eyed

Jihyo "Y/N..You're.."
Y/N "Hm?"

Jihyo "I've never seen a girl with such a beautiful smile!"
Y/N "Haha..You're so cute..Thanks."

We start walking down the back shoulder to shoulder.

I swear to god, Jihyo I will make a song about this one day when I debut.

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