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That old face that I once hated suddenly had a soft face.

Kang Daniel.
I hope he doesn't recognize me..
As I look over at Jihyo she tucks back her hair and gives me a dry cough.

KD "What are you doing here? Are you new or something?"
Y/N "N-No.."

I look down.
KD "Jihyo. Who's this guy?"

[Jihyo POV]

Should I tell Daniel that...
I sigh.

Jihyo "Baby, that's Y/N."
Y/N gives me a death stare like
'why did you do that' and 'oh park jihyo you're so dead'

You know?


Ugh..This girl is so annoying..
KD "Oh..You're back? Why did you cut your hair."

Y/N "Can you leave?"
Daniel pushes me

KD "Leave you with Jihyo? Hah."
Daniel leans into you smiling

KD "I know you're planning to be with her. But just letting you know, she's mine al-"
Y/N "Dude can you like shut the fuck up?! I don't like her anymore! I'm not planning to be with anyone for a long time so stop and go away! I'm serious."

KD "Huh..You changed."
Y/N "I know. Can you go now? I need to work on my comeback."

I look at him waiting for his answer.
He scoffs and covers his hands in his pockets as he walks away.

"Did you really mean that?"
I turn around and see Jihyo sitting on the floor.

Jihyo "Is it true? You don't love me anymore? You don't want to be with anyone?"
Y/N "Yes. Why do you care?"

Jihyo "You pabo! I missed you! I want you back!"
Y/N "You have Daniel. What are you talking about?"

I look at Jihyo.
I give off a big sigh and reach out my hand.

Y/N "Get up."
Jihyo takes your hand as she stands up.

You see her walk away but as she was passing, she grabs you by the shoulders and whispers in my ear.

"I'm not giving up. You need to love me again you hear me?"

Jihyo walks away and leaves the dance room.
I finally break down. Giving up my knees crying hysterically.

Little did Y/N know, Jihyo was watching her cry hearing every single part of her shaky voice.

I punch the hard wood floor until I feel a sting on my palm.

I continue to punch until I hear a crack.
I look over and holy-

I made a gap what am I supposed to do?
I look over at my hand revealing blood everywhere including multiple cuts.

Grow up, Y/N. Focus on your comeback.

[2 days]

As I walk down the hall way, I stumble upon Nayeon.

Nayeon squeals as she takes a good look at me.
Nayeon "Ah you sure are handsome. For a stupid idiotic jerk."

Nayeon gives you a cold face as she walks away.
Nayeon "You better go talk to Jihyo."

I scoff as I walk over to TWICE's dorm.
I pass by Dahyun, Momo, Chaeyoung, and Mina.

And soon, Jeongyeon, Sana, and Tzuyu.
I open Jihyo's door revealing Jihyo sitting down on her bed with her blanket covering her whole body looking out at the window.

Y/N "Hey."
I say in a low tone.

No answer.
I look over and I see Jihyo with her eyes closed.
I slap her side and she opens her eyes.

I closer into her eyes. They look red and swollen.

Y/N "Hey, why were you crying?"
Jihyo "I should ask you the same. And why was there blood on the floor? And why is there cuts on your-"

Y/N "You're talking too much. Nayeon called me."
Jihyo "Your lips look so dr-"

Jihyo covers her mouth realizing what she said.
Jihyo "I-I'm so so-sorry..I did-didn't mean to s-say that out l-loud.."

Y/N "It's fine..I guess. Well, why did you call me?"
Jihyo "I just wanted to hug you..."

Y/N "I'm not giving up. You need to love me again you hear me? Hah. As if i'm not falling for that, Jihyo."

Jihyo "I'm serious. Please?"

I don't know about hugging my ex but...ehhhhh.
I lean over and hug Jihyo.

I feel her soft white blanket and stuff my face on it.
Little did Y/N know, was that her face was on Jihyo's neck.

Y/N "So...Soft.."
I mumble it out and break the hug.
As I back up, I feel Jihyo's finger on my chin and push me into a kiss.

I stand there not knowing how to react.
Jihyo breaks the kiss.

Jihyo "Why didn't you kiss back?"
Jihyo wipes her lips.

Y/N "Because.."
I look away admiring the beautiful view forgetting that i'm in Jihyo's room.

Jihyo "You look so handsome."
Y/N "Why are you talking like this?"

Jihyo "I-I don't know.."
Jihyo fidgets with her fingers as she looks at her feet.

[Jihyo POV]

I look over at my feet and Y/N's.

Y/N sure is tall.

My feet don't hit the group but Y/N's does.
She's so tall.. ㅠ.ㅠ

I wipe my eyes and yawn.
Jihyo "I'm so sleepy.."

Y/N "Sounds like a you problem."
Ugh..The way she stares at me..Why can't you be mine already..

Even though you're not showing any emotions with that stare, I know you're still a good person..
I look away trying not to blush at her stare.

I look over and break the silence.
Jihyo "Say, I heard you say 'I love you' to a person..Who was it.."

Y/N "Non of your business."
Y/N says with a cold tone.

Jihyo "Kim Y/N I swear to god if you don-"
Y/N "If I tell you, then you quit the sweet talk."

Jihyo "F-Fine.."
Y/N "She's.."

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