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You open your eyes and look to your side
Jihyo was still asleep with her mouth open snoring quietly
You sit up and realize that you guys are still inside TWICE's dorm. Everything was nice and white. You stand up leaving Jihyo from her room

You walk down the hallway until you start hearing people talking and laughing

??? "Oh! Hey, Y/N!"
You see the very short girl walking up to you

Y/N "Oh..Hi, Chaeyoung."
??? "Yah..Chaeyoung-ah continue eating your food."

Chae "Sorry, Unnie.."
She walks back to go sit down

Nayeon "Well good morning, pretty girl~"
Tzuyu "Nayeon-unnie..You're such a flirt."

Nayeon "No i'm not."
Momo "Yes you are."

Nayeon "Am not."
You walk towards the table

Nayeon "Oh my god! Y/N is going to confess to me! I knew it! You love me! Now come here and hug me!"

She stands up and chases after you

Nayeon "Why are you running? Don't you love me?"
You run for your life while Nayeon is still trying to hug you.

You run to Jihyo's room
God, this girl seriously has a lot of energy..Like when will she stop running?

As you open the door you see Jihyo facing the back you stop running.
Meanwhile, Nayeon bumped into you.

You and Nayeon fall leaving Jihyo confused

Jihyo turns around and sees you and Nayeon on the floor.

Jihyo "Oh my god! Are you guys okay?"
Y/N "Y-yeah..I'm fine.."

Jihyo "What happened?"

Y/N "Nayeon wanted to..hug me."
Nayeon "True..True..But she confessed to me so..We're getting married!"

Y/N "NO we are not getting married, Nayeon."
Nayeon "Wait, what.."

Jihyo "Oh my god..You guys..Just stand up.."
You and Nayeon stand up until you feel pain on your arm.

Jihyo "Y/N? Are you okay?"
Y/N "Yeah..I'm fine.."

Nayeon "Omo..Y/N you're bleeding.."
Jihyo "What? Where?"

Nayeon grabs your arm to show Jihyo

Nayeon "Since when did you- Never mind.."

Jihyo "I will go get bandages..You guys leave the room and continue eating.."
Chaeyoung "Yes, Jihyo-unnie."

Nayeon and Chaeyoung leave the room leaving you and Jihyo.

Jihyo "I might tell my brother about this.."
Y/N "What? Why?"

Jihyo "I said I might."
She turns around and looks for the bandages

She turns around the the bandages
Jihyo "Here, come with me."
Y/N "To where?"

Jihyo "The bathroom."

She holds onto you hand and tries to be gentle with you.

You and Jihyo enter in the bathroom
Jihyo "Lift your arm so I can clean it."

Y/N "O-okay.."
Although it stings, you try to not scream

Jihyo puts on the bandage
Jihyo "You'll be fine..Just don't move your arm too much."
Y/N "Yes, Jihyo..Thank you."

Jihyo "You're welcome..Let's go."
Y/N "Okay.."

You and Jihyo walk out the room shoulder to shoulder to the kitchen

Dahyun "Y/N! Are you okay?"
Jeongyeon "Is there any blood on the floor? I'll clean it if there is."
Chaeyoung "What kind of question is that, Unnie?"

Momo "Ya'll shut up..I'm trying to eat."

Jihyo gestures you to go sit down
then, she grabs a plate of food and give it to you.

Y/N "T-thank you.."
As you start eating you notice that the sounds of forks, spoons, and chop sticks stopped
you look up and see all the members watching you eat

Nayeon "She looks like a baby when she eats!"
Tzuyu "Oh shut up, Nayeon-unnie."
Nayeon "Yah! Tzuyu-ah why are you so mean to your Unnie! Yah! Do you know what you're doing! That's disrespectful! I'm going to call your parents! And be prepared because once you fall asleep tonight i'm going to take you and your mattress and secretly take you back to your parents!
Tzuyu "Ok, ok unnie..I'm sorry.."

Momo "Oh my god, Y/N! You're so cute!"
Dahyun "Everyone! Stop yelling!"
Chaeyoung "What is going on.."
Momo "Okay..I'm tired of it..i'll just continue eating.."

You look over to your side and see Sana in a panic not knowing what to do

Jihyo "Everyone! Stop! Y/N doesn't like loud things! You're annoying her!"
Chaeyoung "Ooh..She just yelled."

Nayeon "Well..I'm done..Bye!"
As Nayeon stands up, the rest of the members does too.

[13 minutes]
You're done with your food and you decide to watch a movie with Momo, Dahyun, and Tzuyu.
You see Chaeyoung running to Tzuyu

Chae "Tzuyu, Tzuyu! Look what I can do!"
Chaeyoung does that thumb trick to entertain Tzuyu

Tzuyu "Nice..Ok."
Chaeyoung sighs and then walks away

A really sad part was going on where the main character hugs their best friend and then they turn into ashes
Dahyun was crying
Momo was eating..I don't know if she was crying or not.

And oh god..Tzuyu..The scary Tzuyu..
She did nothing..Like absolutely nothing.
All of us were sad except for Tzuyu..She had a straight face through the entire movie.

Once the movie was over, you stand up and leave the room.

You walk back to Jihyo's room
Y/N "So, when are we going back?"
Jihyo "To where?"

Y/N "Your house?"
Jihyo "Oh..Yeah we can't.."
Y/N "What? Why?"

Jihyo "There's going to be a storm for 2 days..It's best if we stay here until it's gone.."

Y/N "O-oh.."
Jihyo "Well..You're still sleeping with me.."

Y/N "Oh..Uh..Okay.."
Just like that you and Jihyo stare at each other again

You hear the door open
Momo "Did you guys see my jokbal?"

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