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[Jihyo POV]

I don't..Like this new Y/N.
She may got really charming..But..She changed..

I walk out the room trying to hold in my tears.
"Yah! Park Jihyo!"

I widen my eyes full of excitement.

Is that Y/N?!
I turn around and I see no one there.

I look closely and see a person waving at me.
I squint.
Oh, it's Chaeyoung.

I walk over to her wondering why she called me.
Jihyo "Yeah? What is it, Chaeyoung-ah."
Chaeyoung "Unnie, you heard of Y/N's comeback? Well..There's so much going on right now.."

Jihyo "She's having her comeback? How come she didn't tell me about this.."
I scratch my chin.

Chaeyoung "We need to go back now."
Jihyo "Right."

I smile widely at Chaeyoung as we both make our way to our dorm.
Sadly, I have to pass by Y/N's room in order to go there. So if I see her, then..Good luck?

As we walk past her room, the door opens.
I look back at her and I can see her smiling widely with the phone on her ear.

Who is she talking to? Why is she smiling?
Y/N "Thanks, love you too."

I can feel sharp pain on my chest.
Did she move on?

I stand there staring at Y/N's eyes not knowing that she's staring at me.

Y/N "Yah. What are you doing? Aren't you going somewhere?"
Jihyo "S-Sorry.."

You look up seeing Chaeyoung staring at you giving you that 'hurry let's go before we get in trouble.'look

I look down as I walk away from Y/N.
Chaeyoung "You two really need to talk again."
Jihyo "With her like this?! Pfft. As if."

Chaeyoung "Come now, unnie..She just needs to adjust to the feeling she once felt back in the past. If that makes any sense.."

Jihyo "You're not yourself today, Chae..Are you okay?"
As soon as you say that, Chaeyoung laughs.

Chaeyoung "Y-yEah! I..I jUst hAd too much coffee tHIS MORNING!"

Jihyo "C-Calm down.."


I look down on my phone.

All I did was call Ana..Why is Jihyo so puffed up?
I just..She's..Ana's just a really good friend to me.

When I moved to Ana..I meant, Canada..Ana was the first person I met, so..She's really Ana to me..Ugh! I meant, she's really special to me.

Why do I feel bad for her? She doesn't even love me anymore so..

Why should I care about her?
Anyways, I need to go over to the dance room.

I need to practice on dancing before I start to talk to the producer.

Pd-Nim! :D

[Time Skip]

JYP "Okay, So when you were gone, I made some songs for you. For this comeback, everything is dark. Like you lost something, but you can't accept so you hide yourself forgetting who you are. You get me? Like, since you're all for that galaxy stuff, it's basically you getting stuck in a black hole."
Y/N "Kinda?"

JYP "Good, your songs are:
What do you think? // 어떻게 생각해?
first love

JYP "You got it? I'll show you the lyrics and then the mel of each song okay?"
Y/N "Y-Yes I understand!"

[2 days later..]

I finished learning 2 songs.
Lie and Stigma.

I sit down in the middle of the dance floor huffing and puffing trying to learn the choreo to 'Lie'
It's really hard to learn..But I got to do this for my 'Stars'

I hear footsteps coming my way as I look up full of sweat.

I see a girl wearing a black cap with pink hair.

Y/N "What do you want?"
I look away looking at the mirror.

Jihyo "Y-You just s-s-seem tired..That's a-all.."
Jihyo hands you a water bottle.

You grab the water bottle.
You notice that Jihyo flinches as you take the bottle off of her hand.

I scoff as I take a good look at Jihyo
Y/N "Why are you scared? Quit stuttering."
Jihyo "Y-Yes..Sor-"

Y/N "Don't be sorry."
I look away opening the water bottle.

Y/N "Here, sit down."
I slap the hard wood floor next to me.
Hard enough for Jihyo to flinch.

I can tell that she hesitates to because it took her a while to sit down.

As I drink the cold water, I look at our reflection.
Y/N "Hah."

Jihyo "W-Why are you lau-laughing?"
Y/N "Nothing..I-It's nothing.."

Jihyo sighs.
Jihyo "Y/N..To tell you the truth.."

Y/N "What is it?"
Jihyo "..I-I.."

Y/N "Jihyo, can you quit stuttering?"
Jihyo "Y-Y/N..I-I-"

I touch my temple as I look at Jihyo.

Why is she sniffling.
I look over at her.

She's covering her face with her palms that are being protected by her sleeves.

Y/N "Tch, Jihyo. Please don't cry."

I scoot to her and hug her.
Jihyo "Why ar-are you so m-mean now?"

I remain silent.
Y/N "Time flies by..You know, not everyone remains the same."

I let go of our hug and scoot back to my spot.
Jihyo "Thanks, Y-Y/N.."
Y/N "What did you want to tell me?"

[Jihyo POV]

I think about what I was trying to say..But it won't pop up? Huh. I should say that.

Jihyo "U-Uh..Never mind, Y/N..I-I..Forgot."

I missed you so much..I want you back..


Enough of this.
I need to go back to work.

I stand up as Jihyo stares at me wondering my next move.

I look at her and walk away.

"Excuse me? Is Park Jihyo here?"

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