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I go on my phone to text Jihyo.


ahhhh i love this girl so much :,)

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ahhhh i love this girl so much :,)

[2 hours]

I get a ding from my phone

"Hey baby 🥺🥺 let's meet at my dorm ? ok ty bby "

I laugh. I answer:

"Of course babe 🥺 i'm coming"
I get a thumbs up selfie from Jihyo.

"Of course babe 🥺 i'm coming"I get a thumbs up selfie from Jihyo

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[3 minutes later]
I arrive at TWICE's dorm.

??? "Well hello~"
I look at my right and see Nayeon looking at me

I chuckle
Y/N "Hey."
I say in a low tone.

Nayeon "Ahhhhh i'm FANGIRLING AH Y/N IS SO FINE!"
I wink

Y/N "I know~ No wonder why I have such a beautiful person by my side."
Nayeon "Ew..Y/N..That's my job you can't just take it.."

I laugh at her response.
Y/N "Hah..Anyways, Nayeon. Jihyo called me I better get going to see her now."
Nayeon "Ah..I see. Well, bye. Y/N!"

I walk down the hallway.
I enter inside revealing Jihyo laying down while holding onto her phone.

Y/N "I'm here?"
Jihyo gets surprised

Jihyo "A-Ah..Y/N you're here!"
Jihyo gets up to hug you then leads you to the closet.

Y/N "Uh..Ji-Ji-"
She opens the door to the closet and HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS.

I see copies of my Album

Y/N "J-Jihyo..When did you even have the time to get these?"

I pick one up admiring and glossy print.
Jihyo "Ah..I got these last week with my managers. I told them that you were close to 800 millions views so I wanted to surprise you!"

Jihyo takes your hand from the album and looks deep into your eyes.

Jihyo soon gets red and tucks her hair back laughing a little. You see her move in closer but you never realized what she wanted to do so, you ask her a question.

Y/N "Hey, Jihyo? Does the members know about this?"
Jihyo "Awh c'mon, Kim Y/N! You ruined the moment!"

Y/N "Huh? You were trying to do something to me?"
Jihyo "Yes and, yes the members did know about the whole album plan."

Y/N "Ah..I see."
Jihyo "Now come here. Let's take a selfie! I might post on Twicegram!"
Y/N "Oh! Alright!"

Jihyo "Y/N? Can you hold onto the camera for me?"
Y/N "Oh, sure!"

Jihyo hands you the phone and gets in position to take the photo.

Y/N "1, 2, 3, Chee-"
As soon at you took the pic you feel Jihyo hand on your collar and kisses your cheek.

You take a picture of Jihyo kissing your cheek with you having a surprised face.

Y/N "Y-Yah!"
Jihyo "Haha..You're so cute when you're surprised, Y/N!"

Jihyo starts laughing.

Y/N "Y-Yah..You still have a B-Boyfriend..Dont act like we're a thing!"
Jihyo remains quiet.

Y/N "J-Ji?"
Jihyo "About Daniel..I really don't want to leave him but.."

She looks at you

Jihyo "I want to be with you!"
Y/N "J-Ji.."

Jihyo "Just promise me you won't leave me!"
Y/N "I wont, Jihyo..I promise."

I cup Jihyo's cheeks and push her into a kiss.
Jihyo leaned in closer to make the make out more that a kiss.

It soon becomes a huge mess.

Jihyo's shorts were gone. They were on the corner of the bed while Jihyo's white shirt was on the floor.

Jihyo was only wearing a Bra and yeah..Underwear.
While i'm here wearing a black shirt with jeans.

I place my hands on her waist. Jihyo starts teasing you by grinding on your body.

You bite your lip from the lusty action Jihyo gave to you.

I'll leave the rest to you, readers! :)

Signing out, Kim Y/N!

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