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As I walk my way to Pd-nine office, I start to feel shivers down my spine.

What did I do?
Once I reach the door I stood there with a blank face.

I hesitated at first but I open the door.

I look at him. He appears to be looking down writing something on a sheet of paper.

Y/N "Pd-nim."
I say with a calm voice. Quiet but respectful.

He looks up and looks at me like I did something wrong.

I bow at him.
JYP "Sit."
He points at the seat in front of me.
I gulp and start to make my way to the modern like chair.

As I sit I hear Pd-nom sigh.
He cups his two hands as he looks at me.

Expecting me to say something but I remain silent.
JYP "Y/N?"

Y/N "Y-Yes?"
I look at him as he squints expecting what I did wrong.

JYP "Can you tell me what you did?"
Y/N "I.."
I gulp and look down then back at him.

Y/N "I went out with Jihyo-unnie to get coffee."
JYP "And?"

Y/N "And?"

Pd-nim grabs out a sheet of paper and shows it to me.

I see a picture of me hugging Soomins poodle, Thomas while looking at him smiling.

Y/N "Ah, s-sir..You're misunderstanding.."
JYP "About what?"

Y/N "He was my friend since middle school..He moved to Canada but came back to watch over his grandparents."
I say without hesitation looking if Pd-nim believes me or not.

You hear him sigh.
JYP "Not only that, but why did you and Jihyo go out without our permission?"

I look down and start to fidget with my fingers.
Y/N "That..I have no excuse for that.."
JYP "Y/N..You know you're not supposed to do that.."

Y/N "I know..I'm still getting used to being an idol even though it's been a year.."
He looks up and sighs.

JYP "You are excused."
Y/N "Thank you."

JYP "Just don't do it again."
Y/N "I wont, I promise."

I bow and walk out of his office.
I look back and see Mai.

Wait, she's still here? Who is she talking to?

"Yeah she's in the building."
I look at her.

Her expression looks so different.
Like she wants to kill someone.

As I see her put away the phone, I walk up to her.

Y/N "Hey, Mai!"
I wave as I see her shocked.

I see her expression change quick.
Mai "O-Oh! Y/N!"

I look at her suspiciously as I see her tilt her head.
Mai "What's wrong?"

Y/N "Who were you talking to?"
I see her open her mouth.
No sound coming out though.

Y/N "Mai?"
Mai "Oh! I was just talking to Soomin! He was just wondering if you went home already!"

I see hear laugh but it soon fades to a cough.

Mai "I better go now.."
Y/N "You're leaving?"

Mai "Yeah..I'm visiting Soomins grandparents.."
She scratches her nape as I stare at her.

Y/N "A-Alright..I'll see you, Mai."
Mai "See you."

I watch her walk away as she walks away at the opposite side of my dorm.

I walk to my room.
I look around if she left anything there.
I look at the corner of my room and I notice something.

A crack on the wall.
Was she mad?

Jeez..I knew that she works out 24/7 but I never knew she was this strong..

I look at my door and I see a picture of me, Mai, Soomin, and Aki. I walk over to the picture and take it.

I soften my eyes.
If it wasn't for Jehin-oppa then I wouldn't have met Jihyo.

I sigh then put the picture back on the door.

I open my phone and see a text message from Jihyo.

"Can u come over to my room ??"

I laugh and open my door.
I make my way to TWICE's dorm.

I knock and I see Jeongyeon open the door.
Jeongyeon "Hello?"
Y/N "Hey."

I walk away and open Jihyo's door.

I see Jihyo laying down on her bed.
I walk over and tap her shoulder.

Y/N "Hey."
I look at her as she looks at me.

Jihyo "Hey."
She smirks and shows me her phone.

Jihyo "Let's watch this movie."
Y/N "Sure, what's it called?"

Jihyo "Spirited Away. I heard it's good."
Y/N "Okay."

I lay down on Jihyo's bed watching the movie.

[Time Skip]
I look over at Jihyo and I see tears all over her face.

Jihyo sniffles.

I chuckle and pat her back.
I look at the screen and it becomes black giving it a sign that we finished the movie.

I look over at Jihyo
Jihyo "Hey."

Jihyo "You said you can play the piano, right?"
Y/N "Yeah?"

Jihyo "Can you learn the song for me? One Summers day?"
Y/N "And why's that?"

I raise my eyebrow.
I see Jihyo pout.

Jihyo "Because I want people to know that I have a talented and a beautiful person by my side.."

Y/N "J-Jihyo we're not even-"
Jihyo "I want to show off to show that I have the best girlfriend!"

Y/N "G-Girlfriend?"
Jihyo "Enough shit-talk, Y/N."

Y/N "H-Huh?"
Jihyo cups your cheek.

Jihyo "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I look over at her.
Her eyes shine because of the buildings outside.

I can see the moon by just looking at her eyes.
I open my mouth but nothing comes out.

She's just too perfect for me.
I feel my eyes tear up.

I look down and I can already feel liquids falling down my cheek.
I feel my head get lifted up by Jihyo.

Jihyo "Is that a yes?"
I sniffles and nod up and down.

I hug Jihyo's waist and start to kiss her softly.

I lay her down and smile.
Y/N "Let's be together, forever."

forever you say.
You idiot.

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